Registered: 31st Aug 03
Location: north wales, chester
User status: Offline
i was about 2 upgrade my front door speakers 2 infinity jobbies when i noticed the back of the speaker i was takin out was wet:s this worried me! is this a problem surely water and electrical stuff dont mix! i'm gonna hav 2 make some adaptors as well coz the new speakers are a bit smaller! smaller! plz help! oh and not 2 waist space i've got some tweeters is it ok 2 mount them by the door handle behind that grill? will they fit?
Registered: 13th Sep 03
User status: Offline
ive just got one door fitted using the 5000cs's (infinity's) and there abit of a git to get in (on a Corsa B). Yea im abit worried about the water, but you cant really do anything about it can ya....u could try wraping them in plastic, but it will cause them to sound abit weird. As for the tweeters, you r not going to get them behind the grill, although you could glue the gray holder in missing out the surface mount and then you might beable to.
As for the adaptors, go down to your local ICE or halfords and pick up some autolead 13cm (?) jobbies.
Anyways hope it all goes well mate 
Registered: 31st Aug 03
Location: north wales, chester
User status: Offline
thought about puttin a bit of sealant on the terminals? not sure though? how much are the adaptor plates? as for the tweeters there only tiny fings! there is also grill fings by the wing mirror mover fing!
Registered: 13th Sep 03
User status: Offline
yea i suppose sealant wouldnt hurt, although max sure there isnt any metal bits in it Although ive wacked sum electrical tape around my contacts on the 5".
As for the adaptors, for my 5" ones i paid 13 squid from halfords, although according to the box there was suppose to be adaptor leads and other bits but nevermind.
And the tweeters, well mine are tiny, but once you've got them in the holder and in the mount (surface etc) then they become right gits. Me and my old man was trying to find away to get them behind the grill, but it would have meant either drilling into the metal work to secure the bolt on the back or saw the bolt off and glue them it. If your in a dodgy area it might be worth doing, since they wont show up as much behind a the standard grill wheres mine stand out like sore thumbs 