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Author what to do

Registered: 13th Sep 03
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   8th Dec 03 at 13:52   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

howdies all,
simple question, should i go to uni to study a course that is based on experience rather than a piece of paper with a letter on it?

gotta do my ucas shite and i havnt started gotta be in weds, and thinking whether i should give the uni thing a miss and go work in a studio rather than spending 3 years doing a sound tech course then trying to build up on experience to get me a job. hmmm...taking a year out, so i suppose i can do my ucas shit next year
what ya think y'all?

Registered: 16th Jul 03
Location: Gillingham, Kent
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8th Dec 03 at 13:56   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

take a year out, and get a job in a studio in that year, gain some experience, then go to uni. finish uni, get another job to pay off the debts and realise that you should have stayed in work cos you would have worked your way up if you stayed. its life.

Registered: 11th Sep 03
Location: Driffield
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8th Dec 03 at 13:58   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

well getting a job is the hardest thing, personally i would go get a job if you can and then do the uni course on the side as well theres all sorts you can make it up, go to the guidance people at your college/school they will give you all the info on what you can do and what courses you can work around or what work around you even in that field, so you have the best of both worlds. but if you cant get into a job in the field definately go to uni though

Registered: 13th Sep 03
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8th Dec 03 at 14:08   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

nice one
the prob with the uni course im looking at, is that its a full time course...its at LIPA (Liverpool of performing arts) and everything is proper MINT. apart from the price tag - 8k a year The other thing is, alot of studio's will teach you they way they want you to work, and therefore the last 3 years are put to waste plus you have no real experience of real-life work (apart for the year out, which i was planning on working in a studio anyways).
Yet, i remember staying with my bro in london when he was at uni and it was proper good and me old dears says uni will be the best years of your life. And if i go, ill walk out with a degree (maybe) but its fook all useful in a studio

Plus i really cant be asked to write out a personal statement and do all of my ucas in a day, lol rather go finish of the installation of my front comps in the car.
oh wells, cheers all

Registered: 11th Sep 03
Location: Driffield
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8th Dec 03 at 14:30   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

uni is a right good laugh i went to 10% of my lessons and spent the rest of the time, high, in the pub or getting laid
advantage of a uni education is, you can get jobs in other fields. i know one lad who got a degree in engineering, couldnt get a job in it, applied to be an accountant in london, got the job on 50k a year, through that job moved to australia on 150k a year but only stayed out there a year because he didnt like it and now back in london on 100k a year, not what he thought he would be doing!
andall my uni lecturers said to me that it was pointless stuff we was learning and will probably never use it again in our lifes...which is soo true, but its to show you can learn to that level

Registered: 13th Sep 03
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8th Dec 03 at 15:38   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

cheers mate
yea, i suppose if you do have a degree people will respect you more and you will be able to get other types of jobs. my bro is a perfect example of that - gota degree in politics, is now working as a multimedia blokey designing websites, grahpics etc etc
hmmm...i think ill start my personal statement and get the ucas shite done and see what happens i can always drop it if i dont wanna go uni
cheers mate, been a big help

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