Danny P
Registered: 20th Nov 02
Location: Cleckheaton, West Yorkshire
User status: Offline
1. Coca-Cola was originally green.
2. The most common name in the world is Mohammed.
3. The name of all the continents end with the same letter that they start with.
4. There are two credit cards for every person in the United States.
5. TYPEWRITER is the longest word that can be made using the letters only on one row of the keyboard.
6. Women blink nearly twice as much as men!!
7. You can't kill yourself by holding your breath.
8. It is impossible to lick your elbow.
9. People say "Bless you" when you sneeze because when you sneeze, your heart stops for a millisecond.
10. It is physically impossible for pigs to look up into the sky.
11. The "sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick" is said to be the toughest tongue twister in the English language.
12. If you sneeze too hard, you can fracture a rib. If you try to suppress a sneeze, you can rupture a blood vessel in your head or neck and die.
13. Each king in a deck of playing cards represents great king from history.
Spades - King David
Clubs - Alexander the Great,
Hearts - Charlemagne
Diamonds - Julius Caesar.
14. 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321
15. If a statue of a person in the park on a horse has both front legs in the air, the person died in battle.
16. If the horse has one front leg in the air, the person died as a result of wounds received in battle.
17. If the horse has all four legs on the ground, the person died of natural causes.
18. Question - This is the only food that doesn't spoil. What is this?
Ans. - Honey
19. A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out.
20. A snail can sleep for three years.
21. All polar bears are left handed.
22. American Airlines saved $40,000 in 1987 by eliminating one olive from each salad served in first-class.
23. Butterflies taste with their feet.
24. Elephants are the only animals that can't jump.
25. In the last 4000 years, no new animals have been domesticated.
26. On average, people fear spiders more than they do death.
27.Shakespeare invented the word 'assassination' and 'bump'.
28. Stewardesses is the longest word typed with only the left hand.
29.The ant always falls over on its right side when intoxicated.
30. The electric chair was invented by a dentist.
31.The human heart creates enough pressure when it pumps out to the body to squirt blood 30 feet.
32. Rats multiply so quickly that in 18 months, two rats could have over
million descendants.
33. Wearing headphones for just an hour will increase the bacteria in your ear by 700 times.
34. The cigarette lighter was invented before the match.
35. Most lipstick contains fish scales.
36. Like fingerprints, everyone's tongue print is different.
37. And finally 99% of people who read this will try to lick their elbow.
Registered: 23rd Oct 02
User status: Offline
Did you know that a pig's orgasm last for 30 minutes.
Registered: 3rd Jan 03
Location: oop north! Where people talk properly
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i didnt try to lick my elbow
Registered: 11th May 02
Location: Cheshire
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quote: Originally posted by Blode
i didnt try to lick my elbow
i did
nearly fuggin succeded need a longer tounge
Premium Member
Registered: 3rd Apr 02
Location: West Midlands
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i tired it....didnt work though 
pew pew pew pewwwww
Pete G
Registered: 11th Apr 03
Location: Barnsley Drives: seat leon, suzuki hayabusa
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i thought about licking my elbow
Site Administrator
Registered: 28th Aug 99
Location: Liverpool
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quote: Originally posted by Danny P
9. People say "Bless you" when you sneeze because when you sneeze, your heart stops for a millisecond.
Or alternatively that the good spirits leave your body momentarily and you must be blessed to enable them to return without bad spirits getting there first.
Registered: 7th Feb 03
Location: Hereford Drives: Audi R8 V8
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"People say "Bless you" when you sneeze because when you sneeze, your heart stops for a millisecond. "
I thought this was because of the plague, and the first sign of it was coughing and sneezing, so people said bless you in the hope that you wouldnt get it. Thats what i was told anyway!
Site Administrator
Registered: 28th Aug 99
Location: Liverpool
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..or that
Registered: 27th Aug 03
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quote: Originally posted by Alex.S
Did you know that a pig's orgasm last for 30 minutes.
MMmmmmmmmm now wouldnt THAT be lovely
Registered: 10th Jul 02
Location: Widnes, Cheshire
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Registered: 12th Sep 02
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yeah rollin round in pig shit and muck and eating leftovers
Registered: 26th May 02
Location: Maidstone, Kent
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quote: Originally posted by drunkenfool
"People say "Bless you" when you sneeze because when you sneeze, your heart stops for a millisecond. "
I thought this was because of the plague, and the first sign of it was coughing and sneezing, so people said bless you in the hope that you wouldnt get it. Thats what i was told anyway!
yer thats what i thought
Registered: 3rd May 01
Location: Great Harwood, Lancashire
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I tried to lick my elbow 
Registered: 9th Dec 03
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thats great!!! I've just spent the last 5 minutes trying to lick my elbow while my housem8s laughed and took pics - bastards!!!
Registered: 18th Dec 00
Location: Milk 'n' Beans
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i agree with ya tracey
a 30 min orgasm would be lush!
Registered: 11th Jun 02
Location: Milton Keynes
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quote: Originally posted by Lynny
i didnt try to lick my elbow
me neither!!
Registered: 19th Apr 03
Location: In front of my pc
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Dolphins and Humans are the only animals that have sex for pleasure (what a waste of 30 mins)
Registered: 15th May 02
Location: North West Drives: Rev3 MR2 Turbo
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coca-cola changed from green to red n white coz of santa claus