Registered: 13th Sep 03
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Anyone watch it?
What a bunch of fooking pikey's there was a mad nutter than owned a pirate station that drove around with no insurance and no licence Then he got caught, sent to court, who gave him a years ban and a 200 quid fine and then he jumped back into his new corsa C and drove off...WTF ?!?!? Curious to know how he could afford his new car too 
His missus was fooking rough too, she sounded like someone you would get on the doors of your local club 
Even the child were pikey's And what’s the deal with the colourful language around there?? i dont think a proper English word was used through out the documentary, unless you class innit, fooking and bAstard as being in the oxford dictionary 
No offence to anyone that lives in southend btw, i know there are some nice areas, but this was deffo not a nice area 
Was a good documentary though told me not to drive around the dodgy areas when i go see me aunt
Registered: 3rd Sep 03
Location: Canvey, Essex Drives : Corsa Sport
User status: Offline
LOL, i go-to college in southend :s
walking around up there all u hear is fuck this fuck that in the town center
Registered: 30th Oct 03
Location: London
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[Edited on 15-01-2004 by Fraudster]
Registered: 28th Dec 00
Location: rotherham
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everyone in essex is a pikey, including my missus only joking
Registered: 28th Dec 00
Location: rotherham
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quote: Originally posted by VisibleMan
And what’s the deal with the colourful language around there?? i dont think a proper English word was used through out the documentary, unless you class innit, fooking and bAstard as being in the oxford dictionary 
Its pronounced fackin and barstard down there
Registered: 28th Jul 00
Location: Essex
User status: Offline

I didn't see it but i know that bloke, well seen him around and i know where he lives 
Dan - What you studying at college ? my gf goes there.
Registered: 13th Sep 03
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quote: Originally posted by transca
quote: Originally posted by VisibleMan
And what’s the deal with the colourful language around there?? i dont think a proper English word was used through out the documentary, unless you class innit, fooking and bAstard as being in the oxford dictionary 
Its pronounced fackin and barstard down there
my aunt lives around there, near the straight bit of road near the sea, where all da rude kids go and raz there novas around and around and around and around saw a done up 3 wheeler go round there lol i think the ice must have been worth more than the car 
Yea the bloke had a beard and was sum podgy git thats runs Y2K (?) think thats it. Any of the djs, mcs any good on that? anyways, it just showed the bloke his life and stuff and ripping other pirate stations arials down and what not, wasnt anything special to watch, but was just funny what they were saying And how he would smash some bloke if he came in his house with a hammer to the bottom of his jaw says it all really
Registered: 28th Jul 00
Location: Essex
User status: Offline
Yeah i know !
Yep i used to play on Y2K, my mates do aswell and MC on it !
Hey your cussing Southend crusing down there, its a good place to cruise 
Yeah that 3 wheeler is quality they guy who owns it is about 45 years old to be honest though the ice is amazing 
Registered: 28th Jul 00
Location: Essex
User status: Offline