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Author I REALLY really dont understand some people!!!!!!!
Daimo B

Registered: 20th Mar 00
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20th Jan 04 at 12:00   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

You haven't seent he bike coppers in London.

If its illegal, why do they also do it all the time. I can safly pass a police car on the inside on the A2 etc and I've not been pulled for anything like that yet.

ITs the reasons bikers bike into London. THe police dont worry about that ind of stuff down here.

Registered: 29th Nov 02
Location: St Albans Drives: JDM Celica GT4 WRC
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20th Jan 04 at 12:27   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

if i see i biker in the rear view I will move over to make his path wider, and usually get a wave or a nod, its just common sense.

but if im in a bikes way i dont expect to have my car vandalised and i wouldnt fcukin stand for it either!!

Why anyone would intentionally knock someone off thier bike is beyond me, as is some cunt on his moped knockin the wing mirror off a car just cos he was changing lanes but maybe didnt see him

People need to show alot more consideration for other road users.... not just cars watching out for bikes.... all road users should look out for others....

and i totally agree that a biker who filters through traffic is doing so entirely his own risk.

In some cases its safe to do so, but ive also seen a twat on a bike pulling wheelies in between two lanes of traffic, i mean come on, you gotta be some kind of retard to be doing that!!
Daimo B

Registered: 20th Mar 00
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20th Jan 04 at 15:57   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Oh agreed, we do it at our own risk.

AS a percentage though, most biker accidents involving cars are usually the car drivers fault, not paying attention.

This is why i like the bike, makes my car driving a lot better. Makes you more aware.

Registered: 29th Nov 02
Location: St Albans Drives: JDM Celica GT4 WRC
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20th Jan 04 at 16:47   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I know the accident statistics fella, i deal with them for a living.... and your right, a large majority of motorbike accidents are the fault of a car driver.

But then you take into account how many speed related fatalities there are involving motorcycles over 125cc........ its a serious amount mate!

(I can only speak for Hertfordshires fatal accidents)

Motorbikes are extremely vunerable out on the roads, and reading about people feckin about on them kicking wingmirrors just makes me wonder how responsible bikers really are!

Btw, i totally agree about biking experience making you more aware when driving a car
Daimo B

Registered: 20th Mar 00
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20th Jan 04 at 18:48   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

That used to be me, still is if they piss me off enough.

But then drive in London on a bike, and u'll see how London has probably got the worst drivers in the country. Pull out of junctions two cars at a time (side by side) etc. No-one pays any attention at all.

Thing that cheeses me off the most is people sitting in traffic, over the white line on the other side of the road, when on the passanger side they are about 3-4 metres away from the kerb

But, as you say, higher speed accidents are usually the bikers own fault, pushing to hard etc. But then thats what bikes are for, you dont buy a sub 3 second machine that can do 160+mph and sit at 30-40mph all day

[Edited on 20-01-2004 by Daimo B]

Registered: 10th Sep 03
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20th Jan 04 at 20:49   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote


He got off lightly with Dangerous Driving, 9 points £1000 + court costs and a community service order for 12 hours

Sorry mate but i dont buy that, for opening his door FFS
If someone did it intentially i can understand but if its unlawful to filter thru in the first place the 2 incidents counteract each other.

I've been a truck driver for 6 years and always make room for a biker when possible, they look after themselves so i have no problem with them.

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