Registered: 10th Apr 02
Location: Berkhamsted, Drives Mk4 R32
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quote: Originally posted by J 11ESY
quote: Originally posted by Gareth_H
By any means neccassary (spelling)
Spelling will not win fights
[Edited on 02-02-2004 by J 11ESY]
Registered: 4th Apr 02
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quote: Originally posted by P4UL
Oh yesh, im taking notes
Punch to the wind pipe is also a good un
I also know how to slip out most holds used by bouncers and reverse a few of them Funny as fuck when I give them the slip.
Having mates that are shit hot at karake, Thi-boxing etc shit like that - Priceless
J da Silva
Registered: 10th Apr 03
Location: The FACTory
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watch him for a few weeks, see where he goes at what times, then pounce when u think its right, stalk the fucker, but u must be prepared to wait......
Registered: 14th Jun 03
Location: Bristol
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Whip out your ak47 from inside your jacket (as u do) and blow him away
Registered: 12th Jan 03
Location: West Yorkshire
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throw all u have at there nose, i always do this and 9times out of 10 they either hit the deck or dont want more . but if its the other 1 , u either keep hitting em or just prepare urself for a beating .
i wud prefer to get beat up than to run off .even if theres more than 1 of em and u know ur gonna get a pasting , least u know one of em is gonna get a beating.
Registered: 12th Jan 03
Location: West Yorkshire
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yes or as Trucido said thats the subtle way tho init
J da Silva
Registered: 10th Apr 03
Location: The FACTory
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yes i agree with ben, if your gunna lamp the bastard, throw all your weight in it, im only a 11stone wee fella but when i smack someone i put 11stone into n then some, i see a lot of pappy punchers who are built like brickshit houses, ive took a few big lads out in the past, no1 expects it of me
Registered: 4th Apr 02
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quote: Originally posted by Ben
throw all u have at there nose, i always do this and 9times out of 10 they either hit the deck or dont want more
Depends what sort of person your dealing with really + I only know of a couple of people that can lay someone out with 1 punch, Bloody wish I could (i.e. Micky in Lock stock style )
Registered: 24th Mar 02
Location: Manchester
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haha the worst thing is tho, when you give someone the best punch your ever gonna give em and the stand there and take it! then you know your gonna get a good hidin! 
Registered: 4th Apr 02
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quote: Originally posted by Andy@CruisinUK
haha the worst thing is tho, when you give someone the best punch your ever gonna give em and the stand there and take it! then you know your gonna get a good hidin! 
Yeah, but then you jump to plan B, take em from the legs and do anything it takes to stop getting one
Registered: 12th Jan 03
Location: West Yorkshire
User status: Offline
if ya hit im in rite place they usually go down . all this pushing b4 crap is a waste of time , best way to win is to get them b4 they know whats happenin or to get em off guard, i use "look mate i cant fight, so ull just be wasting ya time hitting me" then hit em as hard as ya can