Karnage Corsa
Registered: 4th Nov 02
Location: Norton, Stockton-on-Tees
User status: Offline
Hs anyone been getting corsasport emails, I keep getting them from ian and other various people but when they are scanned they all have viruses that say something like this
Scan result: Virus "W32.Netsky.D@mm" found.
The file attached to this message was infected with a virus that we were unable to clean. You can not download this attachment.
What the hell is it please help...
Registered: 23rd Apr 02
User status: Offline
don't download it what ever you do, just delete them
Karnage Corsa
Registered: 4th Nov 02
Location: Norton, Stockton-on-Tees
User status: Offline
I do mate but its really starting to annoy me I have got 3 today already and I must have had 6 yesterday
Registered: 23rd Apr 02
User status: Offline
I know mate I'm getting them to
Registered: 20th Jul 03
Location: East Yorkshire
User status: Offline
Yeah im getting loads of them - its really starting to p*ss me off now
Site Administrator
Registered: 28th Aug 99
Location: Liverpool
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I've already replied by u2u but for the purpose of this post:
The sender and recipient address are spoofed. It only needs the two addresses (ie. mine and yours) in the addrsess book of an infected computer and the mail could end up looking like its from me to someone. I also receive them looking like they're from other CS users but of course not only are they scanned before it arrives, I also delete them knowing that they're from an intermediary infected machine which is beyond our control.
It is good practise these days to delete attachements which are unsolicited - I do not send them without prior notification.
If you get one appearing to be from me, it is most certainly a virus. I'd love to be able to avoid the fact that it looks like I am sending them out, but until everyone who has my address in their address books has a virus-free computer I will not have that luxury.
[Edited on 05-03-2004 by Ian]
Registered: 5th Oct 01
Location: Norwich
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ive had an email to my hotmail account sayin that i sent a virus from my corsasport account to stoneys corsasport account
Registered: 20th Jul 03
Location: East Yorkshire
User status: Offline
they can do it by scanning webages for email addys also.....
so if you have your email addy in your sig like i do then its even easier for these virus d*cks to send them to you as they have program that can leach email address.....
sorry for the long reply