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Author Someone hit my car! wat now??

Registered: 29th Jan 01
Location: Worcester(sauce) Drives: VX220 & Zaffy GSi
User status: Offline
17th Mar 04 at 10:45   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

These days it hard to find decent honest people. I know of and have experianced situations where the person, which caused the damage, shifted liabilltly.

Once i rang the police after an accident, cus primarally i wanted them to attend the accident cus the guy looked a bit dodgy. All they said was, are there any casuties?? are the vehicles blocking the it was a minor accident there wasnt. They said to exchange details and all is happy. Although i had 2 witnesses, i still felt very uncomfortable and insecure with the deal.

Obviously later, i had many grief for the driver, eg, not responding. Took me a year to claim my money back...not from him, cus he didnt have insurance but from MIB.

My advice, and i was advised from the police who to my statement to, is not matter how minor the accident, if you feel uncomforable with exchanging of details, RING THE POLICE, and they them to you were in an accident and you suspect the other has been drinking

also buy one of those disposible cameras and put in your car. never know when it will come in handy...

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