Karnage Corsa
Registered: 4th Nov 02
Location: Norton, Stockton-on-Tees
User status: Offline
do I need to fit a return spring to the accelerator cable ? it seems like when the accelerator is pressed it does not want to come back down quickly enough and it takes its time to return so its revving too much really can anyone help me out please Regards Paul...
Registered: 1st Dec 03
Location: --- NorthEast ---2.0 16v powered
User status: Offline
sounds like your throttle body has lost/broken a return spring.
did the throttle butterfly snap shut before the cable was fitted?
Karnage Corsa
Registered: 4th Nov 02
Location: Norton, Stockton-on-Tees
User status: Offline
not sure mate is it serious ?
Registered: 9th May 03
Location: Middlesbrough
User status: Offline
may cause it to use more fuel therefore costing u quite a fair bit in petrol
will onyl be a few pennie at vauxhall i fink or go to a scrap yard they may give ya one for free