Registered: 25th Mar 02
Location: plymouth Drives: Astra Sport
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Bonnet vents etc may help engine bay temp, but ultimatly its the air flow to the rad that your lacking, and need. No air in and all the vents in the world wont aren't needed to take it out.
Bigger rad would be a good start. Or try moving the rad lower so its in the gap in the bottom of the bumper.
Having fancy fans that are always on (inc. on the motorway!) are not all ideal, and are a hack for the real problem.
Tackle the cause, not the symptoms!
Registered: 1st Dec 03
Location: --- NorthEast ---2.0 16v powered
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quote: Originally posted by vauxtillidie
ive already took the inner arches out neway!
does the diesel rad make much difference, ive looked at these b4 but wasnt sure
fitting a larger rad will not cure the problem if there is still no air getting passed over it.
i think the answer is one you probably don't want to hear - open the grille up again .
i work on refrigeration which can have similar problems, block the condenser airflow(radiator) and it stops working.