Registered: 10th Jun 02
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has anyone had there corsa c arches trimmed ? if so how did they do it
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Registered: 8th Jul 03
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what wheels you putting on?
should need to trim them.
Registered: 10th Jun 02
User status: Offline
there allready on them 17" et 40 tsw spyders, i know i need to get ones with an et 45-49 offset but i just cant aford them and i can have my arches done for free, i know at the back about removing bolts n bonding but the fronts its all plastic and if thats removed then mud will fly into my engine and into my door wells, but wondered if the plastic behind the arch can be heat gunned and moulded or what?
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Registered: 8th Jul 03
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no idea.. sorry buddy
Registered: 23rd Jul 03
Location: Luton-Drives BMW 330Ci Coupe
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| the guy that called mate from Vauxhall Head office re your e-mail...trimming the front arch lips at front and rear should help mate using an angle grinder or something, though as you have an sri with et40 on u really shouldnt have ne probs with scrubbing? Maybe its just the wheels?
Registered: 23rd Sep 02
Location: Dunstable Drives: 52 Plate BMW 3 M Sport Coupe
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Just take them off and grind them down a bit (the plastic arches) and then cut some of the inner plastic arch away and then bond them on rather than bolting them on