Registered: 7th Sep 01
Location: Hull & Manchester
User status: Offline
Ive changed my install in the past month and ive had a few things in the garge which where taking up room and i though i might as well sell them.
I have
1x saxo Spoiler in black which needs re-painting as the black has rubbed off one edge(see pic), looking around £35 ((Sold)
1x Pair of Sony 6x9 XS 5694 200watt speakers (4 - way) looking around £35
1x pair of Sony XS A11024 speakers, which will fir in the rear of the corsa, i havent used these as i never got round to fitting them, looking around £20
2x Sony Amps XM 255 NX looking around £20 each or both for £35(waiting 4 Cheque)
Pictures below, please u2u me or leave message in thread! thank you

[Edited on 05-11-2004 by UnDeRwOOd]
Registered: 22nd Jun 03
Location: Northamptonshire
User status: Offline
u got spec of the amps mate?
Registered: 7th Sep 01
Location: Hull & Manchester
User status: Offline
i dont know that they are thay are a 2 channel amp! they use to be my mates and im just selling them for him! sorry
Registered: 22nd Jun 03
Location: Northamptonshire
User status: Offline
interested in the saxo spoiler
is it just a straight fit on top of the gsi?
Registered: 7th Sep 01
Location: Hull & Manchester
User status: Offline
Not to sure as ive never fitted it to a corsa, i bough it off a garage ages ago and i end up keeping my carzone spoiler. Im sorry im not that much help! i know that it have two bolts to fasten it on with!
Registered: 7th Sep 01
Location: Hull & Manchester
User status: Offline
Saxo Spoiler Sold
2x Sony Amps Waiting 4 Cheque