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Author MOT question

Registered: 6th Dec 04
Location: Somewhere Drives: Not a bloody Vauxhall!
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2nd Mar 05 at 12:04   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Just wondering if someone could list the things that are tested in a cars mot please

oh,and sorry if its been posted before

Registered: 16th Oct 04
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2nd Mar 05 at 12:09   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote
should have some info here i reckon

Registered: 4th Apr 02
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2nd Mar 05 at 12:09   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

There are six parts to the test

1. Lights
Front and rear lamps etc, headlamps, headlamp aim, stop lamps, rear reflectors, direction indicators, hazard lamps, rear fog lights.

2. Steering and suspension
Steering control, steering mechanism/system, power steering, transmission shafts, wheel bearings, front suspension, rear suspension, shock absorbers.

3. Tyres and wheels
Tyre size/type, tyre condition, road wheels.

4. Brakes
ABS warning system/controls, condition of service brake system, condition of parking brake system, service brake performance, parking brake performance.

5. Seat belts
Mountings, condition, operation, position.

6. General
Driver's view of the road, horn, exhaust system, exhaust emissions, vehicle condition, mirrors, fuel system registration plates and VIN numbers.

Test procedure The examination looks in detail at all of the above components. The tester is required to follow a procedure and with an assistant will examine the vehicle accordingly, noting and detailing any items that fail.

The test is not the same for all vehicles and certain types due to their age and design when produced, may have exemptions from some aspects of the test or a greater tolerance level or failure limit. This mainly applies to Classic and Vintage vehicles, however proof of first registration year and production may be required. If in doubt check with your local test station prior to an examination.

For private motor vehicles a valid test certificate is required on the third anniversary of its first registration. However, it is now possible to have a vehicle tested up to one month prior to this date and to have the expiry post-dated to the original registration day.

The same also applies to the following years tests, thus enabling owners to have time to rectify any failures which a test might find and to have a retest prior to the expiry date of the current certificate, without any loss of certificate length.

Should a vehicle not have a current MOT it must not be used on the public road. However, to ensure you are legal when re-presenting the vehicle for an MOT retake you must book an appointment and record your name and vehicle registration at a local test station, prior to driving the vehicle there.

It is possible to obtain from TSO a copy of the Testing Manual for vehicles produced by the Vehicle Inspectorate. (TSO Orderline 0870 6005522). The publication is amended regularly and purchased separately . However, for most owners and drivers, the usefulness of the manual may be limited, as it requires an understanding of testing procedures.

Should the vehicle fail, you will be issued with a VT3O Certificate stating the items causing failure. Be sure you are clear as to what rectification is required for a pass to be issued. In certain cases expert or special services may be required regarding emissions or welding.

Current re-test conditions and fees involved will be posted at the MOT test centre.

Pre test checks A vehicle that is in good condition, that has been regularly serviced and maintained to manufacturer's specification, should be able to pass the test. However it must be remembered that items can deteriorate between services and tests.

The condition of corrosion is not easily checked and is best left to be examined during the test.

Items which can be easily checked by the owner or driver such as lights, windscreen washers, wipers, horn, mirrors, seatbelts, fuel and tyres (including pressures) should be done so regularly and just prior to the test. It can be very frustrating to receive a failure for one empty washer bottle, a torn wiper blade and stop lamp bulb not working, not least illegal.

Get someone to stand outside the car while all lights front, rear and hazard are checked. Replace or repair if broken or faulty.

Ensure that the number plates and the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) plate is clean and legible.

Remember to check indicators.

Check suspension by applying your weight to each corner of the car then release. The car should settle down quickly.

Check the operation of footbrakes and handbrakes. Also check Anti Lock breaking systems (ABS) light operation if fitted.

Check that seatbelts operate correctly.

The examination of the tyres does not include the spare. A tyre depth of 1.6mm is the legal minimum requirement. Check tyres are inflated making sure they are not damaged. Whilst the spare tyre is not part of the test it is to be advised that a correctly inflated and legal tyre / wheel should be carried.

Check the driver's view for damage to the windscreen. Testers will check that damage is no larger than 40mm in the whole of the swept area of the screen and that in the central view of the driver, called Zone A which is 290mm wide (within the swept area and centred on the steering wheel), any damage is no larger than 10mm wide.

To check the exhaust start the engine and from the rear of the vehicle listen for excessive noise which could indicate an exhaust leak. Emission checks are an important part of the test. Regular servicing should alleviate problems with emissions.

Check under the bonnet to ensure that the brake fluid reservoir, windscreen washer bottle and engine oil reserves are topped up correctly.

A general check around the vehicle should be made to ensure that the car's fuel cap is secure, mirrors are in good condition, wipers are not damaged, or split and locks work.

And finally...
Make sure you take your V5 Vehicle Registration Document and current MOT certificate to the test. The MOT Test is not a substitute for the servicing of a vehicle nor a statement of the condition of a vehicle offered for sale.

Took me 2 seconds to find that on Google

Registered: 11th Apr 02
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2nd Mar 05 at 12:10   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Vehicle Identification Number
Not more than one different identification number should be present on a vehicle first used on or after 1 August 1980. However, the same number may be displayed in more than one place.

Registration Plate
Condition, security, legibility and format of letters/numbers.

Condition, operation, security and correct colour. The headlamps will also be checked to see if the aim is correct.

Steering and Suspension
Correct condition and operation

Operate to give the driver a clear view of the road

Condition and drivers view of the road

Correct operation and type

All seatbelts installed are checked for type, condition, operation and security. All compulsory seatbelts must be in place.

Front seats secure. Front and rear backseats can be secured in the upright position.

Fuel System
No leaks, fuel cap fastens correctly and seals securely. The fuel cap will need to be opened. Make sure the key is available.

Exhaust Emissions
Vehicle meets the requirement for exhaust emission. These vary on the age and fuel type of the vehicle.

Exhaust System
Complete, secure, without serious leaks and silences effectively.

Vehicle Structure
Free from excessive corrosion or damage in specific areas. No sharp edges.

Open and close. Latch securely in closed position. Front doors should open from inside and outside the vehicle. Rear doors may need to be opened to gain access to testable items.

Presence, condition and security

Wheels and Tyres
Condition, security, tyre size/type and tread depth. Spare tyres are not inspected.

Condition operation and performance (efficiency test). Wheels are not removed during the test. The tester only examined what they can see, reach or feel.

Registered: 3rd Sep 04
Location: Westside
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2nd Mar 05 at 14:26   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Do they check the engine number in relation to the VIN

Registered: 11th Apr 02
User status: Offline
2nd Mar 05 at 14:28   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

don't think so

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