Registered: 28th Feb 01
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quote: Originally posted by wayne hiscock
I Can have chatter or the woosh of a dv
i got woosh
will have chatter soon
take the vac pipe off your DV and you'll have turbo stall
Registered: 11th Aug 02
Location: York
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quote: Originally posted by jr
bit boring but important as it stops all these people gettign excited over wastegate chatter
writtne by mike rainbird from passion ford btw
WASTEGATES DO NOT CHATTER, WASTEGATES DO NOT "DUMP THE BOOST" WHEN YOU LIFT OFF THE THROTTLE or any other noise that every journalist seems to accuse them of making!
For your information, wastegates dump EXCESS boost pressure in the same way as a pressure release valve on a pressure cooker, i.e. only when it gets to a point that is preprogrammed into the ECU as being too much (being controlled by a sprung loaded actuator and air being bled off / fed to this by an electromechanical solenoid, but that is a totally different kettle of tuna). So a wastegate only dumps boost in full throttle (or heavy load partial throttle) situations. The noise you are actually hearing in your closed throttle scenario (often described as a pigeon noise, or "whoofling" if heavily damped by a factory airbox), is in fact nothing more sinister than turbo stall (or it's correct term, compressor surge). This occurs when the throttle is shut and the air flow produced by the turbo hits the shut butterfly of the throttle body and has nowhere to go but back the way it came (the wrong way through the compressor housing), so the noise you get is the blades of the turbo "chopping" through the air that is bounced back off the closed throttle butterfly. Normally at this point (if fitted) you can hear a "tssssssshhhhh" noise as well, which is the "dump" valve releasing some of this air flow, in an attempt to stop the compressor stalling (and thus trying to reduce the lag when the throttle is reaplied and the turbo has to "spool" back up).
I knew this 
Registered: 28th Feb 01
Location: POAH
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quote: Originally posted by kenzo
quote: Originally posted by Kerry
so to cut a long story short dump valves are bad and u are better with a recirc
And how do u work this one out?
A recirc valve is the exact same as a dump valve. They both relieve the air pressure. The only diff is that the recirc vents the air back into the intake and a DV vents it into the atmosphere.
so how can they be the same then
Registered: 22nd Sep 02
Location: Sydney, Australia
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quote: Originally posted by j1400

hmmm 40mm external wastegate. Still waiting for the right engine to use it on.
External wastegates can't be illegal? on a few road cars.
which ones?
James R
Registered: 4th Feb 03
Location: 205GTi16/306GTi16
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all WRC cars, they ahve to be road legal, ferrari F40, one vibro mentioned above.
You can route the screamer pipe back in to the exhaust system further down the car with little turbulence issues. You dont' have to have a screamer pipe, its just tarty, or give it's own moped back box, lol
wayne hiscock
Registered: 20th Jan 01
Location: wiltshire, trowbridge
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quote: Originally posted by vibrio
quote: Originally posted by wayne hiscock
I Can have chatter or the woosh of a dv
i got woosh
will have chatter soon
take the vac pipe off your DV and you'll have turbo stall
is turbo stall bad????
it dont sound too good?
Registered: 6th Dec 04
Location: Wrexham
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atmospehric dump valves do a job, if its a good one they do it well, they reduce lag cos they gettin rid of the air that tries to stall the compressor, anti lag is cool. my dads mate had it on his evo 6, anti lag and launch control! the fun!
and i have been told by ian nixon at euro parts motorsport (twin engined renault 5gtt anyone) that turbo chatter does not damage your turbo, its jus a little laggy.
running 30+ psi with turbo stall sounds absolutly awesome! stupidly loud pitschhhh followed by lots and lots of very loud fluttering (i know cos my actuator pipe broke on my turbo mini, so i ragged it about for 2 days on 30+ psi (boost guage stopped reading at 30! went straight off)
that was fun, but bit laggy due to the 1.3l and T3 turbo
Registered: 28th Feb 01
Location: POAH
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quote: Originally posted by stevenford_uk
atmospehric dump valves do a job, if its a good one they do it well, they reduce lag cos they gettin rid of the air that tries to stall the compressor, anti lag is cool. my dads mate had it on his evo 6, anti lag and launch control! the fun!
and i have been told by ian nixon at euro parts motorsport (twin engined renault 5gtt anyone) that turbo chatter does not damage your turbo, its jus a little laggy.
running 30+ psi with turbo stall sounds absolutly awesome! stupidly loud pitschhhh followed by lots and lots of very loud fluttering (i know cos my actuator pipe broke on my turbo mini, so i ragged it about for 2 days on 30+ psi (boost guage stopped reading at 30! went straight off)
that was fun, but bit laggy due to the 1.3l and T3 turbo
atm valves increase lag between gear changed and cause overfueling. having air go back agains the vanes of a turbo travelling so quick is bad and any one that tells you otherwise does not understand the basic physics involved
James R
Registered: 4th Feb 03
Location: 205GTi16/306GTi16
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If you look at the compressor map, the surge limit is where you go when stall occurs, and that's not very healthy for the turbo, and gets more pornunced as boost goes up.
Registered: 6th Dec 04
Location: Wrexham
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i thought that, but i didn't wanna argue with someone with a reputaion like ian nixon, who builds 350bhp 1.4's!
but hey ho, she be urate
J da Silva
Registered: 10th Apr 03
Location: The FACTory
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quote: Originally posted by Kerry
so to cut a long story short dump valves are bad and u are better with a recirc
Utter crap! you've just proved to me, your little rant last night was posted from pure naivity and lack of knowledge, some dump valves don't work too well with certain engines as opposed to others is a more realistic statement.
Registered: 5th Oct 01
Location: Norwich
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i wont even give u the satifaction of rising to you
in my opinion you talk shit, as for your opinion on me i dont really give a fuck
but thanks for your concern anyway
J da Silva
Registered: 10th Apr 03
Location: The FACTory
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quote: Originally posted by Kerry
i wont even give u the satifaction of rising to you
in my opinion you talk shit, as for your opinion on me i dont really give a fuck
but thanks for your concern anyway
I'm satisfied that you've proven something to me, that's merely a thought.
Registered: 5th Oct 01
Location: Norwich
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J da Silva
Registered: 10th Apr 03
Location: The FACTory
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Registered: 2nd Oct 04
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Utter crap! you've just proved to me, your little rant last night was posted from pure naivity and lack of knowledge, some dump valves don't work too well with certain engines as opposed to others is a more realistic statement.
What he said.