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Author BAR could be banned from F1 this year

Registered: 9th Oct 03
Location: Leprechaun Land Drives : Zafira GSI
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9th May 05 at 08:34   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Sims

And i also wonder how many teams also have been doing the same and have ripped the unit out in fear of being rumbled. I did notice Ferrari were fairly slow on Sunday

why does everything always come back to ferrai? BAR Cheat everyone says ferrai must have the same thing....

michelin use illegal tires and ferrai are said to be 'unsporting' for reporting them

ferrai have never been NEVER found guilty of breaking the rules while schumacher has been with them. and schumacher has been found guilty of wrongdoing twice... once in the 1994 britich GP which he recieved a 2 race ban and once in 1997 which he was trown out of that years championship for.....

Registered: 15th Aug 03
Location: Bath/Bristol area Drove: 1994 Corsa SRi Now: VTR
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9th May 05 at 08:54   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Siberia, i was just joking. I knew that everyone makes digs at Ferrari that is why i mentioned them.

I do like Schumacher and think he is an amazing driver and he has done loads for the Ferrari team. I think some people don't like them because they can govern things because a few of the other teams have to go with what Ferrari want brought in because the supply them with engines.

All that stuff a while ago with traction and launch control was brought in because they wanted it. And they had developed it before it was allowed so they had an advantage over the other teams.

But saying that they are a very clever team and don't break the rules. They have to be the best at race stratagies.

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