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Author Bugger - My Own Fault - But that's PVS out of the window :(
Danny P

Registered: 20th Nov 02
Location: Cleckheaton, West Yorkshire
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14th May 05 at 10:48   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Oh yeah, forgot to add - if you get caught doing it then its classed as pergury and you get about a bout a 2k fine and imprisonment

Registered: 10th Sep 03
Location: Oxford-ish
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14th May 05 at 10:56   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Another factor is what time your hearing is, the judge has a maximum sentanct he/she can issue and if they're having a really shite day they may well issue with the max, if you're first in the morning then you may get away lightly.

Registered: 3rd Sep 02
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14th May 05 at 14:31   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

my dads friend is a judge and she told me the best possible way to get off 'lightly'

courts prefer people to plea guilty by post, with a letter stating how sorry they were, learnt their lesson etc. it takes alot less time to just fill in a form than it does to arrange a date and time, judge, barristors (sp) getting the officers to attend court etc. the less hassle you cause, the better TBH.

i applied by post, didnt go to court and i feel i got let off lightly, remember, i only got a £75 fine, which is nothing compared as to what other people have stated in this thread.

if your guilty, your guilty. if theres mitigating (sp) issues, and you feel they are extremely important, then get a solicitor and see what you can do.

9/10 though, if you start messing around saying 'i wasnt shown the evidence, blah blah blah. and you still get found guilty, there gona punish you heavier.

i was advised by a solictor and a high court judge about this, do it whichever way u want, but as u say u just want it over with. id reccomend u do what i did.

Registered: 6th Jun 02
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14th May 05 at 20:08   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Nickyboy it's at 10am.

Hmm some interesting points here...

I'm going to plead guilty - can't be arsed to wriggle out of it as I did the crime, so will have to do the time.

but the big decision now is...

Do I go to court or not.

Half people say it's bad not to go, half say it's good.

Which is it?
big eck

Registered: 20th Apr 03
Location: Tullibody. Drives - Audi B8 S4 & Fiesta Zetec-S
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14th May 05 at 20:25   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Have you sppken to a lawyer about it???

Registered: 21st Aug 04
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14th May 05 at 21:29   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

When i got summoned i went to court and wrote soppy letters etc, magistrates handed it to the 3 judges and they just raw ignored it and issued me the max 6 points and a 200 quid fine!

Luckily for me the policeman couldnt write as he had overlapped the boxes filling in the date so it looked like the offence had been committed before i passed my test, so i didnt come under the new drivers act, where as if i had been i should have lost my license!

Now im just driving around with 6 points on my license after having passed 9 months ago!

I spoke to the court about the mishap and they cant do anything about it, im free to drive

[Edited on 14-05-2005 by rarche81]

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