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Author Tutorial Time: Drilling (butchering) my airbox....

Registered: 1st Nov 04
Location: Northamptonshire
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12th Jul 05 at 14:55   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Heres how to totally butcher your airbox it took about 20mins or so and is fairly easy....

1. Get your bonnet open and locate the airbox (on the left), this is on a 1.2 16v sxi btw...

2. Remove the piping coming off the back, mine is held on with a jubilee clip and i used a screwdriver, yours will most likely have a pingy clip as shown further up, u can get this off by inserting a screwdriver and twisting it to let it loose

3. Then you need to remove the box, first unclip the air intake hose at the front of the engine and then there's 3 fixing points which u'll need to free it from as shown below:

2 on the far side

1 at the front

(yes that is an elastic band holding on my air feed )

4. Now you should have your airbox out of the car As you can see part of mine has been removed and modified a bit, this is because the section i removed served no function and it was a nice way of letting lots of cold air in... the way i got it off was simple i smashed it with a hammer bit by bit:

Also inside i removed some of the piping in the bottom section and top, as its very restrictive.

5. Now you will want to remove your air filter, unclip the top to metal things and release it from the back catches (my filter is a pipercross one btw )

6. Now here's the important part drilling the holes, tbh it doesn't make mucha difference on the size of the drill piece, the bigger the better obviously but be careful i used a fairly small one but did lots of holes...

do not drill holes on the engine side of the airbox... if ure looking at it in ure engine thats the one on the right otherwise u'll get heat soak and run like poo

Yes i butchered it totally

7. now you need to clean up any debris from the plastic drill .etc i used some emery paper, a wire brush attachment on the drill followed by a hoover then a wash under the hose... then i put the blow torch on it because i wanted to get rid of little flakey bits but thats not necessary at all a hoover wud probably do it

8. Then simply refit the panel filter the right way, clip the lid back on and return it into your car and re-attach the pipe

When you do this, you can keep your original air intake pipe intact (sp) mine is only cut in half as i used to have a BFO cone but with to many flat spots went for this option... u will also note the pipercross air feed which comes from my bottom splitter... in my opinion this is a must to feel the benefits of a drilled airbox and prevent heat soak

It really only gives u a nice engine note and a bit more responsive throttle and free'er revs but its a cheap and pretty good mod to do jus get some cold air feeds in there.

Hope this helps
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Registered: 8th Jul 03
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12th Jul 05 at 15:38   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote


the more little holes create a raspy note.
the more big holes create a deeper note

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Corsa Sport » Message Board » Tutorials & FAQ » Engine Work, Tuning & Exhausts » Tutorial Time: Drilling (butchering) my airbox.... 24 database queries in 0.0109940 seconds