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Author Manual Help Wanted. Prepared To Pay Well. Or At Least Advice!!!

Registered: 2nd Apr 05
Location: Retford, Nottinghamshire
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   3rd Oct 05 at 13:39   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Hi All. Right, without beating around the bush I need help fast with my car setup. I have just dropped in a 2000 X16XE complete setup. engine, gearbox, loom, shafts, ECU, chip, transponder, etc into my 1999 Corsa SXi. Works perfectly mechanically.

I now NEED someone to who is a genius with wiring to come down and extend the wiring loom so that I am able to tuck the ECU out of the way.

I am also having intermittent problems with the immobilisor on the vehicle. The chip in the key, transponder around the barrel are both coded with the ECU correctly. And the tranponder red/blue wire is connected to the ECU red/blue wire well in a temporary setup. I drove home lastnight in it fine. Started great all day yesterday until the last trip of the night where it would fire up and cut out with the ECU light flashing (immobilisor). I called the AA out and we tried everything. I eventually got it to start fine when I disconnected and then reconnected the car battery for 10mins or so. Then drove back in it fine.
Came to it this morning and the SAME problem. Tried the battery again, checked all connections, and nothing. I'm THINKING it could be static in the wires causing interference. But not sure.

I have tried calling around a load of vehicle sparky places and no-one will touch it. So I am calling out to you guys who are good with wiring, don't mind touching modified cars and who wants to earn some good cash for what maybe an easy job if you know what you're doing. I could do with this sorting ASAP, as that car is my only form of transport.
Any advice or info would also be a bonus, but am after manual help. Hope you guys can come through. Cheers all. Kyle
07765 021416.

Registered: 27th Dec 02
Location: Manchester Drives: Cav turbo/Corsa C20XE
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3rd Oct 05 at 20:25   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

u sure the transponder thingy isnt faulty? it obviously isnt picking up the chip all the time. if i was local id have a nosy for free.

sorry i cant be much help, try posting in help forum prob get more response.

ps how much u want for those tigra shafts?

Registered: 2nd Apr 05
Location: Retford, Nottinghamshire
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4th Oct 05 at 09:46   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

THINK I sorted it last night. It's a runner now. But still need one or two wires connecting up right such as the ECU diag port, oil pressure switch, fuel pump taken from a switched live on the key and done right, etc. At least it goes though. PHEW. Yeah it was definitely the wiring, knew that because I had a spare ECU, chip and transponder and the same happened with them. Plus the whole loom needs extending so that I can tuck the wiring and the ECU out of the way, can drive it but awkward and messy.

I'm sure they are Tigra shafts, have ABS rings on the end of them. Make me an offer. To be fair they are in amazing condition. Kyle.

Registered: 27th Dec 02
Location: Manchester Drives: Cav turbo/Corsa C20XE
User status: Offline
4th Oct 05 at 19:15   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

everything you did should have just been a straight swap mate i cant understand why you need to be messing about too much with wiring in the transponder etc as your 1999 corsa should already have this.

would you be able to meet somewhere for petrol money with the shafts? have u got any pics of the shafts

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