Registered: 16th Dec 02
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In the middle of changing the corsa around a bit, so far i am changing:
1. Carbon Bonnet
2. 16inch Wheels
3. Nachamishi headunit
4. Boot build

which Fear has designed and offered to give a go
Thats the deff for now, but thinkin about
- 60mm drop (currently 40mm)
- semi smooth boot and same rear without recess
Whats you all this any more suggestions ?
Registered: 10th Sep 03
User status: Offline
Paint is very versitle as a CAD software isn't it 
Though I get what you mean and it will look fat 
Semi smooth boot will be sweet and the lower the better (to a degree)...
Nic Barnes
Registered: 5th Apr 04
Location: nowhere near ginger people
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i aint got a clue what im looking at there
Registered: 8th Oct 04
Location: Bath
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def. lower it some more imo.
Registered: 19th Feb 04
Location: South Lakes
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Plans sound good. Which carbon bonnet are you getting? Normal or vented?
I designed a boot install on my CAD software at work but must have been a different program to the one above cos mine looked a bit more real?
Registered: 16th Dec 02
User status: Offline
Just a plain one as wanna keep the car smooth. Instal designs are just to give a rough idea of the layout etc, just to have the subs built against the seats and a amp mounted on the floor under a covering and it all built and trimmed in black and blue
Registered: 11th Apr 02
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wtf are those pics?
Registered: 19th Feb 04
Location: South Lakes
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Will look sweet if its anything like your interior
Registered: 20th Nov 02
Location: Down off the hill
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those pics werent meant to be seen by the public 
i did them in paint in literally 2 mins just for an idea, it will look sweet when finished and will hopefully be up to my usual standard of instals
Registered: 3rd Apr 02
Location: Wirral, Merseyside
User status: Offline
As much as I love the supperleggra's I agree they look to small, 16's will look spot on