Registered: 12th Dec 03
Location: Brighouse
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wanting to fit the c20let Injectors on a standard c20xe or x20xev any idea what this will do? been told you can get a power increese?
James R
Registered: 4th Feb 03
Location: 205GTi16/306GTi16
User status: Offline
will flood the engine with petrol and cost you money in fuel and when it breaks. dont' bother less you are sticking a turbo on too.
Registered: 5th Jul 00
Location: Aberdeen City
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no gain at all.... std car doesnt need the extra fuel
Registered: 28th Oct 05
Location: West Yorkshire
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Standard Xe injectors are good for 230bhp
Registered: 14th Oct 04
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The injector's will only inject as much as the ECU tells it too.
Registered: 18th Jun 04
Location: West Yorkshire
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Ecu varies pulse and duration... if injectors are larger then the same pulse and duration settings will inject more fuel
Registered: 10th Sep 03
User status: Offline
The injectors only open and close as the ECU tells them to. The ECU has the injector size programmed into it (i.e. how many cc/min). Larger injectors will flow more fuel into the engine, and on a standard engine overfueling will occur. You will only get extra power if you can compensate the extra fuel with extra air - 1.e. using a turbo/super charger or throttle bodies...
Also I doubt XE injectors are good for 230bhp because the standard C20LET uses larger injectors than the C20XE and they are both the same capacity....