Iain M
Registered: 18th Aug 05
Location: Wigan - Drives 272bhp corsa ZLET
User status: Offline
Hi people
I was reading REDLINE at dinner and i saw and advert for powerboost sray and an Ecotek 26P. I drive 1.6 sport, so basically are they as good as the advert says? has anybody got one? Is it worth fitting one to mine?
Registered: 10th Apr 02
Location: Southampton
User status: Offline
Ecoteck valves are pap, not sure what powerboost valves are like
Iain M
Registered: 18th Aug 05
Location: Wigan - Drives 272bhp corsa ZLET
User status: Offline
no it wasn't a powerboost valve its a spay that you put on your air intake with your engine running. says it re-energizes your engine by cleaning all the shoot of your engine claiming to improve bhp and throttle response. comes in a black canister
Registered: 11th Apr 02
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10k boost?
Registered: 10th Apr 02
Location: Southampton
User status: Offline
Oh yeah, I know what you mean!!
Seem to remember a mate putting some in his 16v Cav a few years back and saying it really made a difference? 
Whether it does or not really depends on the condition of the engine, probably just cleans the injectors to make sure theres no dirt clogging them up. Obviously with older engines the injectors won't spray as good as they used to.
So i suppose it's a "how long is a piece of string"
some will swear by it if there engine is a bit tired
Others will claim it's all a load of dog dirt as there engine was running tick-it-t-boo before hand anyway
Iain M
Registered: 18th Aug 05
Location: Wigan - Drives 272bhp corsa ZLET
User status: Offline
my engine is 54,000 miles old so see how things go might give it a try. thanx