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Author Peoples Opinions on the National Speed Limit...

Registered: 25th May 01
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8th Jan 06 at 17:04   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

70 should stay at 70, and most people will driver at 85 in a flow of traffic and the police are fine

raise it to 90, and people will start driving at 105

raise it to 10000 and people will always travel at 10015

i think it should be 80 in dry, 60 in wet on motorways

Registered: 12th May 02
Location: Hereford and Worcester
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8th Jan 06 at 17:07   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I agree variable speed limits that increase when the conditions are right are the way forwards however as a blanket ruling I would go for 60 on A roads (no change) 70 on dual carriageways (no change) and 80 on motorways.
People will always push the speed limit by about 10% so if you set national speed limit to 70 on A roads you would get people doing nearly 80 and hoping to get away with it, which isn’t safe IMHO

Registered: 6th Jun 02
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8th Jan 06 at 18:22   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by M2RTY
70 should stay at 70, and most people will driver at 85 in a flow of traffic and the police are fine

raise it to 90, and people will start driving at 105

raise it to 10000 and people will always travel at 10015

i think it should be 80 in dry, 60 in wet on motorways

Personally I doubt that if you raise the limit to 90 - everyone will be doing 105

Lorry's etc will still be in the inside lane doing around 60 mph, your OAP's and normal people will still be in the middle lane doing 70-80 mph... and your rep mobiles will still be whacking it down the outside lane.

I personally think people will probably drive at the same speed they do now, the only difference would be - they would not be breaking the limit and risking their license like they are now.

Look at the auto bahns in germany, just because there isn't a limit - it doesn't mean everyone is flat out down it. Fuel ecomony would be absolute shite at 105 mph! So most people would stick to around 70-80 mph in my opinion, but the ability to do 90 would allow a better flow of traffic and correct use of the lanes.

Registered: 19th Feb 04
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8th Jan 06 at 18:25   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

End of the day its like the chances of me buying a winning lottery ticket, its not going to happen

Registered: 12th Jan 03
Location: Drove kitted corsa b now standard corcs c exclusiv
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8th Jan 06 at 19:30   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

trouble is though everyone adds 10-20mph on to todays roads so u would have idiots screaming faster down roads

i agree on some roads a variable or higher speed limit could be allowed

Registered: 6th May 03
Location: Greenock,Scotland
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8th Jan 06 at 19:38   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i reckon 3+ lane motorways should be 80mph limit.

30 in town is fine

20 in school zones are fine

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