Corsa Sport » Message Board » Classifieds » Cars Offered » V.nice 1997 Astra turbo diesel. MOT/tax.

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Author V.nice 1997 Astra turbo diesel. MOT/tax.

Registered: 25th Feb 06
Location: Fucking annoying, unfunny, twatbag cavmad *racist
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6th Jun 06 at 16:31   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

`97 `P` plate (Mk3) Astra 5 door turbo diesel hatchback. Metallic green. MOT`d `til August, taxed until (I think) end of August but will confirm later.
Very tidy car, circa 133k but it doesn`t show and these motors are excellent long termer/high mileage capable engines.
Bodywork very tidy, has a very slight crease on the bonnet (probably from hitting a low barrier or similar) which has caused some surface rust to appear but shouldn`t detract from the car. Recent new tyres too.
I`ll give it a thorough test drive tonight or tomorrow and report on anything I find: I believe it has a slightly rumbly wheel bearing so will check it out.
As it stands I`m after £675 or offers for it (with wheel bearing done if it needs one). With full test and any known faults sorted it`ll be circa £850.
Don`t forget this will drive away-taxed and tested.
Will consider a cheaper part-ex, but please be sensible. Anything taken in will only be sold straight on so sorry I won`t give you £450 for your rusty old Orion
Car is in west Cheshire: one mile M53 and A55, three miles M56 and about 24 miles from the M6.

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Corsa Sport » Message Board » Classifieds » Cars Offered » V.nice 1997 Astra turbo diesel. MOT/tax. 25 database queries in 0.0098839 seconds