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Author Auctions

Registered: 26th Jun 06
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28th Nov 06 at 00:21   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by deano87
It may be so cheap because it's high mileage i.e. ex-rep car but nothing actually wrong with it.

Just think though, you're going to the auction and buying that '51 plate Corsa' for example, for £1500 or what ever. A car garage may go and buy it, then put it on their forecourt for £3000 and you think they'll be nothing wrong with it. They aren't allowed to auction nackered cars without declaring it, plus it'll be running in the auction house so you'll here it.

[Edited on 27-11-2006 by deano87]

This is the point. You take a bit of chance at auction but if you don't and choose to buy from a dealer instead thats exactly where the car will have come from. I have bought 5 cars from auction and been just as happy with those as any I have bought privately. I always think if you buy privately you more likely to have your judgement clouded by the seller wheras at auction you judge the vehicle on its merits alone.

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