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Author Alex Tew - Million Pixel Guy

Registered: 29th Apr 03
Location: hartlepool
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5th Dec 06 at 17:59   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

sorry but i really doubt that companies actually got any business from that site, did you ever look at it, was just a total mind field of crap, i really dont belive some one would look on the site see a link they wanted and then used said companies website.

And john see you just come across as a total know it all arse, fair enough if you dont agree with what some one is saying but everytime you speak it comes out like your totally up your own arse.

And your not always correct at all, what about the thread the other day i forgot what the name was but it involved talking about how vista works out your hardware scrore, you were proved wrong within a few threads yet still wouldnt accept your wrong.

Registered: 29th Mar 01
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5th Dec 06 at 18:06   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Companies got more traffic to their websites (all be it the ones with larger adverts) and this will happen again with the incentive to win $1m if you click on them.

This may or may not turn into sales at that point. But in the future you may need someone and recall that website, or say to a friend about it, etc. Its all about getting their image infront of as many people as possible, and that site strangely did it (again this goes for the larger adverts, not the 10x10 pixel ones!)

Registered: 30th Jun 03
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5th Dec 06 at 18:11   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I wans't proved wrong, I left it because I couldn't find the link.

If you want to say I was wrong because of that then fair enough i'll accept that.

Being annoyed because you don't know what you're talking about is a different matter.

Registered: 29th Mar 01
Location: Im the real one!
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5th Dec 06 at 20:45   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

over $90,000 now and is the first day live

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