Registered: 9th Aug 04
Location: Cottingham, East Riding
User status: Offline
I've worked in IT since I was 17 (now 23) and have worked up from trainee £50 a week technician to IT/Network manager of a secondary school
I've been in this job for about 6 months and like it but at some point I know I’ll get bored.
I'm considering IT in the Services (British Army) I've had a look around the MOD site and got a bit of info, but does anyone else do or know anyone who does this?
Over the past 3 years I’ve stopped going to the gym and got really out of shape, I need something to give me a kick up the ass really.
Any thoughts
[Edited on 20-01-2007 by Aj.]
Registered: 13th Sep 05
User status: Offline
school jobs are stepping stones good to have on the old cv but can get a bit hoe hum booooring sometimes. normal thay wont let you leave till the summer hols or at least 1 terms notice depending on the school
I T in the army is a different ball game totaly as there system are very specialist on the plus side having mod clearance has its benfits when/if you leave
I started off 13/14 years ago on £40 a week doing repairs for a big computer company (25 stores what sold mainly atari's and amiga's) i the went into tv and video repairs then on to work a school as a tech while i was there i did my A+, mcp and mcse (RM connect has its good points sometimes) I left there and went on to do a short term 9 month contract up in town (london to you northners) had a bit of a break after that then did a temp job doing data inputing and that where i got my mod clearance
personally i would get a corprate job next for the experiance and the salary
and yes get your ass in gear and get down the gym and the pool. yer i know motivation is the hard part esp if your been sitting on your ass all day looking at computers.
[Edited on 20-01-2007 by flash22]
Registered: 9th Aug 04
Location: Cottingham, East Riding
User status: Offline
Thanks for the advice, i'll take that onboard 