Corsa Sport » Message Board » Classifieds » Cars Offered » R-Reg Clio, £250

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Author R-Reg Clio, £250

Registered: 3rd Jul 04
Location: Sheffield
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29th Jan 07 at 23:22   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Renault Clio 1.2 RL Paris.



Three owners from new, one was the dealer (only did 17 miles), then my mum, then me. So nearly every mile its done has been by my family!

OK, first off the good bits.

Cambelt went at 110k. So sorted all that, and replaced the water pump then.

Phase 1 16v seats.


Phase 1 Renault 19 16v wheels, with 4 good tyres (195/50/15). Also have 4 more of the same wheels with crap tyres. They can go with it.

Tinted windows

I also have the head that was damaged when the belt went. The heads for these clios are fairly hard to find, so I had intentions of sorting it as a spare just incase.

Also got 2 spare wings in the correct colour, they can go with it.

Bought a brand new rear bumper for it, never fitted that, so you can have that too.

Bad points:

Tax runs out at the end of the month.

As does the MOT. Took it to one place and he said about £250.

Somebody has driven into the drivers door. So that is dinted. The damage has gone onto the bottom of the rear quater, though its not that noticable.

So I'm after £250, if you get it before the end of the month you can drive it away, after then it will be declared SORN and stored on a mates farm.

With a bit of work, it'd make an ideal first car, that IMO looks ok. The dent in the door will mainly knock out, so not to look so severe.

I have had many miles of trouble free motoring. The only reason I'm letting go is the people that hit me gave me cash for the damage, so I'm putting that towards a new run about.

Car usually does 350-380 miles on a tank of juice when I fill her up. Though I've not done that for a while :cry:

Also costs me less than 300 fully comp. Not on HPi.

Drop me a PM or ring me on 0787 968 7927


Registered: 3rd Jul 04
Location: Sheffield
User status: Offline
1st Feb 07 at 17:49   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote


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