Registered: 9th Aug 04
Location: Cottingham, East Riding
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Yup...sadly we had a management change and the new guy was a tight ass who loved open source stuff. was shit for my final few months.
I even managed to convice our old director to buy a full Dj'ing setup for me to teach the kids on was awesome. I miss those dayz
Registered: 1st Dec 03
Location: Northampton Drives: Pug GTi-6
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Aj what qualifications/experience do you have if you dont mind me asking?
jay kay
Registered: 22nd Jan 06
Location: West Midlands
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haha do you preach 360 to the children
[Edited on 21-03-2007 by jay kay]
Registered: 1st Dec 03
Location: Northampton Drives: Pug GTi-6
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should be on the curriculum TBPH
Registered: 9th Aug 04
Location: Cottingham, East Riding
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CCAI (academy instructor)
2 MCP's (2003 Server)
C&G 7307 (Teaching Qual)
and more then anything, 6 years experience of working in educational establishments
Started on £50 a week as a trainee and worked my way up. Had a bit of luck along the way by meeting the right people etc.
I learnt alot of my stuff at home on my network here etc, MCP's were home study
[Edited on 21-03-2007 by Aj.]
[Edited on 21-03-2007 by Aj.]
Registered: 1st Dec 03
Location: Northampton Drives: Pug GTi-6
User status: Offline
thats a nice CV 
would you recommend any courses/areas to get into?
baring in mind i have done my degree then staright into this job.
Registered: 9th Aug 04
Location: Cottingham, East Riding
User status: Offline
If you plan to get out into the commercial world like I do after a few years in this job, I’d certainly go for the Cisco and Microsoft quals.
My two pearls of wisdom to trainees who I work with are: Put your self out to help people (because they remember) and meet as many people in the industry as possible.
Registered: 9th Aug 04
Location: Cottingham, East Riding
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i'll see you at Channel Expo if you want anyway
Registered: 1st Dec 03
Location: Northampton Drives: Pug GTi-6
User status: Offline
yea that exactly what i want to do, few years where i am then out into industry.
Will start my MCSE this year hopfully.
Registered: 1st Dec 03
Location: Northampton Drives: Pug GTi-6
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quote: Originally posted by Aj.
i'll see you at Channel Expo if you want anyway
yea i shall try and get work to let me have the day, if so ill u2u mate.
Registered: 9th Aug 04
Location: Cottingham, East Riding
User status: Offline
Working in education is great for experience and personal development.
Also, if you have access to an old machine or VMware. You can't beat having your own network at home to piss around with and experiment. One of my technicians who is very motivated for learning can't understand why I wont give her full access to Active Directory...its because I don’t want people fucking it up by experimenting with it.
[Edited on 21-03-2007 by Aj.]
Registered: 1st Dec 03
Location: Northampton Drives: Pug GTi-6
User status: Offline
yea i agree. Opportunities are there to learn, just i think my manager is a little wary of allowing me to get more involved. So i want to get to as many events/training days etc and meet more people in the industry
Registered: 9th Aug 04
Location: Cottingham, East Riding
User status: Offline
Your manager is probably a bit like me. He wants to protect the system because at the end of the day, all responsibility falls on him in the event of a failure.
I've tried to encourage a proactive attitiude on my two technicians learning but neither are interested. I've offered them all the software they need etc. Once they drive out the school gates...as far as they are concerned thats the end of the day though. No out of hours learning from them
But in ICT it just doesnt work like that (in my opinion of course)
[Edited on 21-03-2007 by Aj.]
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