Registered: 5th Dec 06
Location: aberdeen
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Hey guys.
I need some help. lately my car has been acting wierd. to start it has been eating tonnes of fuel so today i just changed the fuel filter. waiting to see if that helps. but my main problem is that for the last couple days... while driving the small orange immobiliser light sometimes comes on for a bit. if i give it high revs it tends to go off but when it does come on, the car starts to drive in an "Emergency" type mode and starts acting all dodgy. it only really last for a few seconds but i dont want it to turn into a major problem. has any1 got any idea of how to fix this? i was thinking of resetting the ecu and seeing if that made a difference but i thought i would post here and see if any1 could offer some advice.
im driving a 16V 1.2 corsa B if that helps at all
thanks in advance 
[Edited on 20-04-2007 by aidanjones88]
Registered: 30th Jun 06
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By the immobilliser light do you mean the orange engine light? Sounds like something is broken... Prehaps a sensor is malfunctioning... First thing is indeed to try resetting the ECU then using the paperclip trick to identify what the error code is. It may be something as simple as a dodgy connection but it could be a sensor that needs renewing.
Registered: 5th Dec 06
Location: aberdeen
User status: Offline
yea its like the orange light below the rev counter. it has the wierd valve looking thing on it (sorry my terminology isnt that great with cars lol)
Registered: 3rd Dec 02
Location: Newport, Wales
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This is the engine management light.... it means one of the sensors is playing funny buggers on the engine which can be quite pricy.
On the 1.2 16v the diagnostic code can only be read by a Vauxhall tech2 machine or a code reader... paperclip tests cant be done.
Registered: 6th Apr 07
Location: Lisburn, N.I.
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Im having the same problem with my 1.2 16 valve. Dont no wots going on with it yet, but its been going for quite a while. If i drive the car easy i normally dont have a problem. Wots the paperclip test.
Registered: 12th Apr 07
Location: Sandy, Bedfordshire
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Mine keeps coming on too but luckly it has no affect on the car
Registered: 3rd Dec 02
Location: Newport, Wales
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The paperclip test is used on older corsa models where if you put a paper clip to bridge pins on the diagnostic connector... the engine management light would flash in sequence which you can translate into a code.
Guys until you are able to go to a dealer to sort the problem out.... unplug your Lambda sensor on the exhaust manifold at the front of the engine (its a large 4/5 pin plug). You can get to it easily from the engine bay.
Unplugging this will make the ECU run in a default map state without any real time data being used in the ECU, and hopefully it should run better until you get it sorted.
Registered: 6th Apr 07
Location: Lisburn, N.I.
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When my light started cumin on it didnt affect the engine either so dont so surprised if something tarts going wrong - unless u just have a loose connection or sumthing stupuid like that
Registered: 12th Apr 07
Location: Sandy, Bedfordshire
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Well, when it 1st started coming on a couple of years ago, it was something to do with the immobiliser, that was fixed and the light stopped coming on but now has started again every once in a while. Because thats the engine management light, it could be any number of things thats wrong.
Registered: 3rd Apr 07
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its your airflow meter, a gaurentee it, mine does the same, it will only get worse and worse mate, 180 for a new 1 aswell. cheaper to get that new engine.
if you want to know who i am sure its because mine has been on a diagnostics machine and he describes the same problem
Registered: 12th Apr 07
Location: Sandy, Bedfordshire
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My airflow meter is brand new. Had it replaced for an MOT pass. F*cking expensive too!
Registered: 3rd Dec 02
Location: Newport, Wales
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CorsaBadBoy.... the fuck ups on an X12XE engine are all pretty much the same but can be caused by so many things.
I used to have one and it went into vauxhall about 20 times and in the end it was a break in the engine loom but caused the same problems that Aidan has.
Also, new air flow meters have crashed in price.... dont expect to pay more than £40 now.
Registered: 3rd Apr 07
User status: Offline
really? propa vaux parts aswell?
my car is sitting in garage for nothing then
Registered: 12th Apr 07
Location: Sandy, Bedfordshire
User status: Offline
Yep, it is Corsabadboy!
Doubt they're hard to fit neither.
You can get them from autovaux too but they're £80 from there I think, still cheaper than the £150 I paid!
Registered: 3rd Dec 02
Location: Newport, Wales
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Dropped in price again:
Make sure you get the right part number though.
Registered: 3rd Apr 07
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i will be buying 1 of those tonight