alan t
Registered: 3rd Sep 06
Location: edinburgh
User status: Offline
was thinking of upgrading the front door speakers. does anyone know what size the standard ones are? just want to swap them over without having to get custom door builds. also is it better to just upgrade the speakers or should i do the tweeters as well? any help would be much appreciated as im not very clued up with ice. cheers
Steve X16XE
Registered: 31st Dec 06
Location: Barnsley, South Yorkshire
User status: Offline
Registered: 6th Apr 07
Location: Lisburn, N.I.
User status: Offline
Not too sure on size, all i can tell you is that they are bigger than saxo ones. Definitly get tweeters as they will improve the sound quality and make the higher pitched noises more recognisable.
Registered: 29th Nov 06
Location: Doncaster, South Yorkshire
User status: Offline
The front door speakers are around 15 1/2cms and you need adapters for to mount them because of the different screw holes. Dont go for speakers over 67mm deep or you wont be able to shut you windows!! I fitted a Kenwood componet set for around £70 and they sound awsome with a powerful headunit. The kenwood crossovers fitted perfectly in the circular hole in the door underneath the door cards next to where the mirrors are. The wireing is straight forward as the instructions are very clear. Try the audio shops on ebay for very cheap prices. Hope this helps