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Author Lotus yellow??

Registered: 7th Jan 05
Location: Lancashire
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18th May 07 at 20:48   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I buy my paint materials for the following prices and yes i get them cheaper than trade except the paint

Paint - £22.00 per litre
2k Thinners - £7 per litre
2k express Hardner - £7 per litre

then theres costs of wet n dry or scotch pads, then Gun wash, maskin tape, maskin paper, polythene cover

I managed to respray my cousins Hyundai on a £350 budget and any change i had after materials i kept

Registered: 15th Nov 03
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18th May 07 at 20:48   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i think the point everones trying to make is yeah, his work could be excellent, because he'd be making money from those cars. giving away money is one thing but for him to give up the amount of time it takes to spray a car, corners may get cut because £300 just isn't a lot of money at all. get it done by all means, i hope it turns out ok.

Registered: 7th Jan 05
Location: Lancashire
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18th May 07 at 20:52   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

basicly for £300 you get 2 litres of paint thrown over your roof and they use a space heater to blow it down each panel and you get a nice mess type finish

Honestly tho spend around £500 upwards and get a decent job done

for £300 you wont get your door, boot, bonnet shuts painted.

Registered: 7th Jan 05
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18th May 07 at 20:54   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

like cossie says, it may be a god job,

just ask the questions before saying yes

Registered: 20th Jan 07
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18th May 07 at 22:45   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Yea i agree, and thanks but im not illiterate at all just didn't have time as was going out, and yes i'v got an attitude because i'v had a pretty crap day and don't appreciate comments like that which are pretty much on every thread now! He quoted £600 at first but then said he could do it a bit cheaper if he had a week or two free, he wouldn't leave it half done or do a crap job, hes a close family friend who has been for around 12 years, hes not likely to leave me with a crap job, hes more bothered about getting the paint used up so its not taking up room in the workshop than making money from me
Superlite Ltd.

Registered: 9th Jan 07
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19th May 07 at 08:02   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

How much paint is used re-spraying a corsa?
and what type of paint is used? Cellulose, water based, 2 pac?

I buy and sell paint sometimes for a couple of customers and i swear is doesnt cost that much. Still correct me if im wrong as im no expect on bodywork.

[Edited on 19-05-2007 by Superlite Ltd.]

Registered: 10th Sep 03
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19th May 07 at 09:39   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Well, this is £170's worth. There is enough there to do the underside, arches and the rest of the car.
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Registered: 31st Dec 04
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19th May 07 at 12:17   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Superlite Ltd.

I buy and sell paint sometimes for a couple of customers and i swear is doesnt cost that much. Still correct me if im wrong as im no expect on bodywork.

[Edited on 19-05-2007 by Superlite Ltd.]

well you can buy cheap basecoat from around £25/litre up to whatever you can afford to spend really, the quality is better with the more you spend

the stuff we used in college was about £50/ litre for a straight colour or £75/litre for pearl/metallic

E36 328

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