Registered: 5th Feb 07
Location: Hemel Hempstead
User status: Offline
i have an interview for the most perfect job for me. its a 5 min walk from my house (im a lazy badger and dont wanna go no further) the money is good and i'll enjoy the work, so if anyone has anytips for the interview they will be greatly appreciated, (this will be a technical interview for an internal network second line support job)
essay over
Registered: 11th Aug 06
Location: North Wales Drives: BMW, Corsa & Fiat
User status: Offline
Don't big yourself up, if you make something up, and they think you have done, they may try and catch you out by asking the same question in a different way.
Be confident, but not cocky, keep eye contact, and don't figet around.
Good luck
Registered: 10th Dec 06
Location: Hertfordshire / Plymouth
User status: Offline
they expect you to be nervous.. good luck matt..
Registered: 2nd Jul 03
Location: Pontypool Drives: a Skoda
User status: Offline
Dont worry about it, dont think about it
just go and be interviewed 
best advice i can give, no point in acting any differently to how you normally are. People know if your putting somthing on!
Dont worry about it, you have a good chance - they are interviewing you so must see good qualities in you
I like to see it as a chance for you to learn more about the role and company... not just the company interviewing you, you are there to see if its the right job for you as well.