Registered: 3rd Feb 03
Location: Milton Keynes
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Better to go SATA than IDE then these days? Need a new DVD RW Drive so thought I better ask before I buy!
[Edited on 20-07-2007 by Pablo]
Registered: 26th Jan 03
Location: Atherton, Greater Manchester
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if the DVD/RW drive is the only one on the IDE channel, then leave it at that. The IDE bus can supply more than enough bandwidth for DVD/RW's if there on there own channel when coupled with SATA HDD's
Registered: 3rd Feb 03
Location: Milton Keynes
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Yes I have SATA Hard Drives! So I bought a SATA DVDRW Drive
Registered: 9th Aug 06
Location: Doddington, Lincolnshire
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Sorry to drag thread up but i thought better than start a new one 
I got DVD ROM (master) and DVDRAM (slave) IDE. Ive found that my RW isnt reading discs very well anymore for whatever reason, so would it be better to get a SATA RW (ie is there any speed increases for the extra you pay?) or to get another IDE just use the second channel (because I have 2 SATA HD's, no IDE ones)?
Is it worth upgrading to a SATA Rom as well (i.e. will game installs and CD ripping work faster (because it isnt my computer holding it back)?
Registered: 9th Aug 06
Location: Doddington, Lincolnshire
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Registered: 19th Aug 02
Location: Midsomer Norton, Bristol Avon
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have you tried moving one of the dvd drives onto another IDE cable?
Registered: 9th Aug 06
Location: Doddington, Lincolnshire
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i was going to but its an old drive anyway and its a bit slow (one of the first RAM drives) so it writes cd's at 24x and dvd's at 6x max or summat so thought going new would be best option
Also i hate IDE cables, they are very poor for air flow
Registered: 30th Jun 07
Location: Spondon, Derby
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u wont rly get any speed increases on sata but u will get better airflow etc IDE is slowly dieing these days...