Registered: 8th Oct 03
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I know nothing about computer building as such so I dont know about jumpers.
Put a hard drive into an external case, when plugged in it gets recognised and installs software for it, but thats as far as it goes. It dosnt pop up as a drive under 'my computer'
Picture of sticker.....

Picture of jumper settings.....

What setting do the jumpers need to be in?
Registered: 9th Apr 04
Location: Cambridgeshire
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Master or Cable Select.
When it's plugged in, right click 'My Computer' and goto Manage. Look under disk drives, it should show up there and will tell you if it's been formatted or not.
Registered: 25th Sep 06
Location: Wigan
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You need to create a parition on it and then format it in order to be able to use it.. just a quick how to here
Control panal
Administrative Tools
Computer managment
On the left hand side of computer management you should see Disk Management under Storage..
Select that and you should see the hard drive on the right that might say unpartitioned.. Right click and create partition.. (not used it for a long time so my wording of things might be a bit wrong)
If you have a bit of knowladge with computers then you'll be OK
Hope this helps 
[Edited on 23-08-2007 by pdwhelan]
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Registered: 30th Mar 02
Location: Worcestershire Drives: Defender
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youl need to format it and create a partition before you can see it, do what james said, right click my computer, manage, disk management
Registered: 8th Oct 03
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So I wont need to change the jumpers around?
It should just be a case of going into control pannel and formatting it?
Registered: 9th Aug 02
Location: Southend, Essex Drives: Mini Cooper S
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strange, never had to do this with mine. just set jumpers to slave, popped it in and hey presto!
i guess i was lucky!
Registered: 25th Sep 06
Location: Wigan
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They are normaly set to master from new anyway i think so i wouldnt worry about that.. if it does need changing then its only a 5second job anyway
Registered: 8th Oct 03
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Just sorted it, set it all up as drive Z and started the formating, its a 500gb drive so I wasnt going to sit there for hours so left it with her
Registered: 25th Sep 06
Location: Wigan
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Glad you sorted it 
[Edited on 23-08-2007 by pdwhelan]
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Registered: 30th Mar 02
Location: Worcestershire Drives: Defender
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set it to cable select if your that worried
PS quick format would have been fine and taken a few seconds 
[Edited on 23-08-2007 by Steve]
Registered: 25th Sep 06
Location: Wigan
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not sure you can do quick formats if its a brand new hard drive, can you? its been a while since i have messed around with computer shit
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Registered: 30th Mar 02
Location: Worcestershire Drives: Defender
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yeah you can yo
Registered: 25th Sep 06
Location: Wigan
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cool dint fink so boiiiiiiiiii