Corsa Sport » Message Board » Classifieds » Cars Offered » Cheap 95/96 Astra 1.4LS 5 door for sale.

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Author Cheap 95/96 Astra 1.4LS 5 door for sale.

Registered: 25th Feb 06
Location: Fucking annoying, unfunny, twatbag cavmad *racist
User status: Offline
1st Oct 07 at 20:13   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

'95/96 'N' plate Astra 1.4 LS 5 door hatch in white. *Taxed until end of Jan 2008*. Ace little runner, starts on the button. Power steering, central locking, original stereo etc. Test expires Wednesday when I pick it up and I *think* it'll want one tyre, possibly two (but I'll probably have them here for it anyway) and maybe some suspension bushes and possibly that's it. Rear arches starting to go at the bottom but not too bad and not MOT fail. Speedo doesn't work (probably the cable), one mirror cover is fubared and it'll want a good claen but I'll sort that myself. Other that that it's a nice straight car and there's money to be made on it if you don't plan to keep it.
I believe if you book it in for an MOT and are insured (day insure if you're not) then you can legally drive it home but best to check first.
I reckon at an auction it'll fetch between £250-£300 with the tax and no MOT at an auction so you should not only struggle to lose money if you cba with it but there's probably a nice drink in it if you send it round the block.

£200, pictures to follow. Car is near Chester, Cheshire. Very close to M53/A55/M56 and A41 and easy reach of M6 North and South.

*If interested please U2U me, thanks.

[Edited on 01-10-2007 by cavmad]

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