Registered: 13th Dec 06
Location: Blackburn Drives: corsa b 1.6 sport
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has any1 removed them on here? i know there only stuck on but if any1 can, can u post up pics of a process and wats best for taking the stikyness off the bodywork once there off?? derek
Registered: 3rd Sep 07
Location: Hawick,scotland drives: 1.4 sri corsa
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hairdryer and a credit/bank/store card
Registered: 13th Dec 06
Location: Blackburn Drives: corsa b 1.6 sport
User status: Offline
fair enuff lol no sure im my hair dryer i mean the wifes hairdryer will reach to teh end o the road but i could try lol
Registered: 3rd Sep 07
Location: Hawick,scotland drives: 1.4 sri corsa
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Registered: 31st Aug 06
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that or a heat gun, beware it may need a respray after mine does it leaves a lighter mark where tape has been
Registered: 2nd Jan 07
Location: Liverpool
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fishing line behind the old ones, then adhesive remover/white spirit and an old credit card to get the glue off
Registered: 3rd Sep 07
Location: Hawick,scotland drives: 1.4 sri corsa
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by paul.mitchell1984
that or a heat gun, beware it may need a respray after mine does it leaves a lighter mark where tape has been
or t-cut uf its not 2 bad
Registered: 13th Dec 06
Location: Blackburn Drives: corsa b 1.6 sport
User status: Offline
rite i will be doing this 2morow, hope it all goes well lol
CorsaSi Jay
Registered: 19th Jun 07
Location: Watnall, Nottinghamshire
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Very easy to do. Didnt even heat mine up. Credit card behind it until you have enough to hold onto. Tear it off all the war and then use spirit wipe or similar to remove the glue.
Looks alot better without them in my mind!
Registered: 7th Feb 05
Location: Iwade, Sittingbourne
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i wouldnt just tear it off, mate done this and ripped his paint work off :S . i use autoglym intensive tar remover from halfrauds, soak it along the top of the bump stop, let it drip down through the sticky strip, leave it a couple of minutes, then it will near enough fall off. then if theres loads of sticky strip left get a store card, use the tar remover, scrape away, keep applyin tar remover till gone. job jobbed.
Registered: 13th Dec 06
Location: Blackburn Drives: corsa b 1.6 sport
User status: Offline
ok gave it a bash 2day and when i took the first bit off and gave it a gd scrub and got all stikyness off i wanst happy, ware the stickybits were it is a different shade of purple due to not faded like the rest, inbetween teh 2 stickybits it was a very light shade of purple, conclusion is, bupstrips stayin for now untill i can find a polish that will make it look like the rest of teh car if thats posible??
Registered: 3rd Sep 07
Location: Hawick,scotland drives: 1.4 sri corsa
User status: Offline
machine polisher