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Author Boosting dietry intake tips?

Registered: 9th May 04
Location: Jimmy Bennett's la la land.
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14th Jan 08 at 11:25   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I've always struggled to take in enough food for my energy requirements. I'm tall and skinny, and weather I dont eat or make an effort to eat I seem to stick at just below 12 stone. 6ft 2. I've worked my BMR at 1864 kcals
I did a diet log the other day to have a closer look at my intake;

kcals 1835 protein 84.5 carbs 222.6 unsaturated fats 68.45 saturated fats 26.4

55% Carb intake
17% saturated fat
7%unsaturated fat
21% Protein

The thing is I have a really selective poor diet, most stuff i like eating is bad for me. I've always been a believer that supplements are for supplementing a diet, just with me having problems with my intake do you think its worth slipping a high kcal drink in a day?
I've started to try and consume toast (best of both bread, dont like wholemeal) to bulk my carb intake, but im lactose intorerant and soya margerine is just no where nice as real butter. I try and eat nuts but only can eat salted or salt and vinegar ones, shit like that.
The thing is becasue of my poor diet it puts me off training because i think why bother! Any wise words to shed?

Registered: 14th Apr 06
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14th Jan 08 at 13:07   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Are you tryin to bulk up mate? If you are then you could have a nice high cal shake once a day or half at one point and half at another. Over on if you go to the articles section there is one on a shake which could help you out

That could help you, check the articles though. Do you eat clean foods or is it all junk? Try post up a normal day of food you eat and at what times etc if poss!

Registered: 11th Aug 02
Location: York
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14th Jan 08 at 13:09   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

What do you do for a living? Are you office or workshop based?

You want to be looking at around 2000-2500 calories if in an office and around 3000 if you have an active job.

Only estimates but you need to bear that in mind if you're working out too.

Registered: 14th Apr 06
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14th Jan 08 at 14:26   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Don't go by your job Marc, just because you work in an office doesn't mean that you automatically need 2000-2500 calories a day. What about if you were a semi pro bodybuilder and weight is 17stone, your calorie requirements wouldn't be 2000-2500

Registered: 11th Aug 02
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14th Jan 08 at 16:43   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

What does my last sentence say!

Registered: 9th May 04
Location: Jimmy Bennett's la la land.
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14th Jan 08 at 17:04   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by AdZ9
Are you tryin to bulk up mate? If you are then you could have a nice high cal shake once a day or half at one point and half at another. Over on if you go to the articles section there is one on a shake which could help you out

That could help you, check the articles though. Do you eat clean foods or is it all junk? Try post up a normal day of food you eat and at what times etc if poss!

Marc, thats just a rough guide but that what you pointed out still points to an inadequate diet, BMR (Basal Metabolic rate) + TEF (thermic effect of food) + EE (energy expenditure) is a lot better way of working out energy needed, however its still not easy to accurately say the amount your EE is as it varies for people and activities.

It's half and half, I eat pasta, rice, best of both rather than white. And what shit I eat I don't eat full on shit, ie I eat baked crisps, sunflower oil oven chips rather than full on fried chips, don't eat sausages and stuff. But it's by no means good. I wouldn't mind bulking up, but at the minute I don't think I'm getting enough food before I even add on energy exersion. Like I said I have a calcualted Basal Metabloic Rate of 1864.

I haven't had a structure in regards to work for years, been at uni and working different days a week, now i'm working in a bar and working voluntary around that, voluntary is 9-5 but only just started so hoping a bit of structure will help.

Do you think I should add a shake in there while trying to work on my diet? maybe do a few shorter term goals on it and see how it goes, like start trying to have toast after my cereal at breakfast time? etc

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