Registered: 4th Aug 07
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anyone knows which product to use as they look like greyish used the black chrome stuff didnt work at all:/
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Registered: 11th Sep 06
Location: Hazlemere, Buckinghamshire
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Pop them off and give them a coat of black spray, then poke a needle down the "eyes" to unblock them.
Registered: 4th Aug 07
User status: Offline
will it stick to them or they need to be primed or so?
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Registered: 29th Nov 05
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need to be preped like anyting
Registered: 4th Aug 07
User status: Offline
guess its better if i buy 2 new ones from vauxhall lol
Registered: 16th Nov 07
Location: Bexleyheath, Kent
User status: Offline
i used a product from halfords called back to black mate, worked a treat on all my plastic!
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Registered: 29th Nov 05
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its easy pop them out of the bonnet, rub down with 400 then 800, clean with meths, prime few coats, dry, sand with 1200 wet, then topcoat few coats, then dry then flat with 1500 wet or cutting compound, can be done with one can of paint one can of plastic primer and a mixed pack of wet n dry paper