Corsa Sport » Message Board » Classifieds » Cars Offered » Seat Ibiza GTI Cupra Sport - £800 o.n.o -

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Author Seat Ibiza GTI Cupra Sport - £800 o.n.o -

Registered: 14th Jan 08
Location: Colwyn Bay, North wales
User status: Offline
16th Feb 08 at 10:25   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

had to post it again.

Here I'm selling my Seat Ibiza in Kiwi Green!

Absolutely loved this car but can't really afford the insurance as I've got 0 no claims as I'm a new driver. so sadly I have to let her go.

It's a 2 Litre 8 Valve GTI Cupra Sport, registration - R454 UCR. It has done approximately 125k but it still pulls strong through the gears and I haven't had any problems with it. If you know anybody who has had these cars they can tell you, they're bulletproof! reliable, brilliant cars. It also has some service history.

the only modifications are that it has an eco-tech valve on it, a momo 'competizone' gearknob and a debadged grill. It doesn't come with a head unit but I'm leaving the pioneer 6x9s in the parcel shelf and Kenwood speakers in the doors.

It has Mot left on it until May the 10th but has no Tax unfortunately as it has just ran out.

The only problems with it are that it has a bit of rust on the rear arches ( i have the paint and primer ready to fix it but haven't had the time to do it so that'll come with the car also) and there is a nice crack in the windscreen but I guess if you're fully comp then this isn't a problem anyway because it'll be cheap to fix or even free.

It's a helluvva fun drive and I'll be sad to see the back of it!



Pics can be found here:

£800 O.N.O

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Corsa Sport » Message Board » Classifieds » Cars Offered » Seat Ibiza GTI Cupra Sport - £800 o.n.o - 25 database queries in 0.0103080 seconds