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Author So, I'm going to build a track car

Registered: 6th Jun 02
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6th Mar 08 at 15:20   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by ainsley_brader
Originally posted by Paul_J
If you watch this vid...

[Edited on 05-03-2008 by Paul_J]

Didnt that magic tree annoy you?

It's my G-meter innit!

Robin to be fair, all of this debate and arguing is just because you put a vague first post to this thread! You should of said some of the stuff you keep explaining over and over in your initial post and we'd of posted replied accordingly! It's no point getting angry people are getting the wrong end of the stick, when at the start you gave us no real information about the situation or your plans.
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6th Mar 08 at 16:44   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Robin
but I'm running out of ideas for cheap, RWD cars which haven't rotted away.

I have a plan for the engine, whatever the car is, but it MUST be RWD.

Ideally, I'd want something which you could pick up for a few of hundred quid, in solid, almost rot free form.

The other thing is, the gearbox needs to be mounted in the normal place, so no Volvo 340s or Porsche 924s

It needs to be light, cheap, and RWD, so throw some ideas at me, it doesn't even need to be a looker.

I wouldn't call that particularly vague Paul.

I mention the engine, what I'm looking for and what I'm not looking for...

Registered: 6th Jun 02
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6th Mar 08 at 16:51   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Most people's responses to your initial post meets the criteria of your initial post, but are wrong.

That suggests what you wrote is too vague.

Your original post doesn't mention, budget, purpose or any of the recent stuff like your plan to mod it gradually where money is no object or 'it has to look respectable' etc.

I guess I'm too used to doing software and requirements analysis, where the spec has to be 100% spot on, or you get the wrong shit made.

It's not actually wrong at all, the developer made what was asked of them, it's just the requirements spec wasn't sufficent or wrong.
SVM 286

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8th Mar 08 at 13:58   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Ian
Why does it need to be modified or even for that matter competitive. Can you not have enjoyment on a budget using something that is fairly quick standard but not expensive to locate and buy bits for?

Modifying is massively more expensive than just buying and using.

My sentiments exactly. My idea is to just make the car a bit lighter and a bit safer and as reliable as possible and then have some fun with it.
SVM 286

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8th Mar 08 at 14:06   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by jr
adam, the FWD gay bit was in refrence to allmost all of SVM's replies, not actully what i think

Registered: 17th Oct 05
Location: Essex Drives: GLC63S
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12th Mar 08 at 13:55   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

mk1 Mr2

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