Corsa Sport » Message Board » Classifieds » Cars Offered » not a corsa but..........fiesta RS1800 project

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Author not a corsa but..........fiesta RS1800 project

Registered: 19th Jan 07
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20th Apr 08 at 20:53   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Where do i start? This is my '94 'M' Fiesta RS1800. This is a real one and says so on the log book. I bought this little beauty in nov last year and planned to fully restore it to its former glory. Unfortunatley i have now changed jobs and only have one day off work a week and haven't the time to finish it. I have stripped her down and started to rebuild. Its got 113k on the clocks but it has a nearly full service history. A lot of money was spent getting her through her last MOT in october. Unfortunatley i dont have the paperwork to prove but you can check via the internet to find out. I have all the bumpers for the car and arches and skirts with all jacking point covers

The main problem was the front and rear arches. I have scrapped the front wings and bought 2 new ones which are waiting to go on the car. I have rebuilt the rears with metal fibreglass but they do now need shaping. The other main problem is the drivers door. It has been partially shut but now will not open again. Unsure why?! It will need a new set of locks all round and ignition barrel as the car is on two keys at the moment and the central locking doesnt work on the passengers door. In my opinion the things needing doing to this car are:

1. Front wings putting on
2. Rear arches finishing
3. Small hole in sills need welding. (not major tho)
4. Couple of car park dinks need taking out or smoothing over.
5. New locks and ignition barrel.
6. Driver door unjamming.
7. General tidying up.
8. Puncture on 1 tyre

She is completely standard and has no modifications whatsoever. The alloys are all in mint condition. She runs and drives perfect but i will need to charge the battery as it has been stood. She has MOT until Oct 08 and now just wants a loving home. Open to part ex on another corsa. Want to get back to my roots!!



[Edited on 20-04-2008 by my1stcorsa]

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