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Author Gym Day - Getting In Shape

Registered: 12th Apr 07
Location: Wigan Drives:Integra DC5
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30th Apr 08 at 11:34   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I posted a few months ago a thread along these lines, can't find it as the search is OF SHITE. So here goes again

I have been having problems with the bottom of my back and legs which meant i could do basically nothing and have therefore put on quite a bit of weight

I started back at the gym and so far, haven't had the problem with my leg and back, so want to get some kind of routine set out so i can lose weight and get in shape

I'm a noob to all this and if i get a schedule mapped out and a diet sorted i would stick to it, it's just knowing what to eat and what/when to train

I've just had a look on muscletalk and will most likely post this thread on there too, but there are some clued up people on here so thought i may as well post here first


Registered: 28th May 02
Location: Cheshire
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30th Apr 08 at 12:19   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

If your a noob to all the gym stuff the easiest routine to get into would be 3 times per week, doing a full body workout using a combination of Cardiovascular and Resistance (free weights/machines).. Time of training depends on you, if you like training in the morning, afternoon or evening, also time constraints, as far is know there is no conclusive evidence to say that one time of day is more beneficial than the other.

Eg Program

30 mins cardio - doesnt have to be on one machine mix it up if you get bored easily like me, but you need to keep your heart rate between 60-70% of your max HR.. Max HR = 220bpm-AGE.... THEN work out two figures 60 and 70% this is "fat burning zone" optimal fat burn is 65%

EG 220-20= 200bpm 60% = 120.............. 70% =140 thats where your Heart rate should be for the 30 mins..

For a full body workout i would do Monday, Wednesday, Friday one week, then Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday..... Sunday is complete day of rest and mixing the days up helps to ensure your body doesnt get used to the training schedule too much.

EXERCISES...... To start off with i would do a weights circuit on the machines for weight loss and 'toning' (silly term) 3 sets 10-15 reps at 75% of 1 rep max.. FULL BODY WORKOUT..

Chest - Chest Press, Pec fly
Back - Lat pulldown, Seated Row
Shoulders - Press, Lateral raise, (some pec decks had a a rear delt adaptation so check that)
Legs - Leg sled, Seated leg curl, Leg extension, calf raises on Leg sled (Leg sled is also known as leg press)

FREE WEIGHTS - BICEPS - EZ Bar or Straight bar curl, Reverse EZ bar curl, and Alternate Dumbbell curls.

TRICEPS - Tricep pushdown, Tricep rope.

ABS - 1/2 Crunch, Reverse Crunch, Swiss ball 3 x 15-20

Do the program for 6-8 wks and if you should see results as long as you watch your calorie intake, typical male metabolism is 1800-2500 cals per day, yours maybe less. If they can do a metabolism test at your gym do it.

Hope this helps, i'm sure there'll be people on here who may disagree or offer some extra advice, but i have used this starting routine with a few clients who have got good results and then we change it up and continue to see the benefits...

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