Corsa Sport » Message Board » Classifieds » Cars Offered » MK4 VW GOLF GTI 1.8T 3DR

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Author MK4 VW GOLF GTI 1.8T 3DR

Registered: 2nd Jun 05
Location: London
User status: Offline
11th May 08 at 21:24   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

It is a 2000 W reg, 80k on clock. The car is currently SORN, but with 11 months MOT.
It was passed on to me from my mother but I am not able to insure it myself. I have been informed that the floor pan is slightly rippled and as a result the car doesn't drive totally straight. We are unsure at what point the car became damaged. The previous owner refuses to admit any responsibility, let alone having any knowledge of the damage.
It is HPI clear (feel free to double check!) and the V5 is clean with no logged accidents or damage. Without taking this into account, it is a very desirable car to drive, and in great condition. Because of this I cant see any reason why it wouldn't make a great runaround for someone. Otherwise I cant see why it couldn't be fixed by someone who has the know how, and funds to insure the car.
It makes me sad to have to sell the car, as personally I would love to be able to drive it.!
It has all the usual GTI extras, climate control, CD player, electric windows, remote central locking.

£1895 ONO

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Corsa Sport » Message Board » Classifieds » Cars Offered » MK4 VW GOLF GTI 1.8T 3DR 25 database queries in 0.0108981 seconds