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Author Fuel Campaign which might actually work??

Registered: 14th Jul 04
Location: Horsham, West Sussex
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22nd May 08 at 15:01   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

a garage on average only makes 9p a litre

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22nd May 08 at 15:05   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by loo_goblin
our accountant told us to pre buy our years fuel

How the hell are you supposed to do that!

Registered: 14th Jul 04
Location: Horsham, West Sussex
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22nd May 08 at 15:06   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

phone up a company like southern fuels and purchase 10000 litres then stick it in our fuel tank.

i guess i should explain that we purchase alot of fuel and the estimated barrel price is going to hit around $150 before xmas, meaning it will be about £1.70 a litre for diesel, so buy it now at 1.27

[Edited on 22-05-2008 by loo_goblin]

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22nd May 08 at 15:10   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Thats well & good but what about us minions that dont have a 10,000L fuel silo in the back garden

Registered: 1st Mar 07
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22nd May 08 at 15:11   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Ahhh ok.
Im the same as colin, ive only got a jerry can kinda petrol tank

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22nd May 08 at 15:12   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I wonder if I could employ Josef Fritzel to build one under my house then sell it back to the neighbous in 12 months at a marked up price undercutting the forecourts..........could make me a quick buck

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22nd May 08 at 15:13   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Cosmo
Originally posted by Colin
I cant see anything happening, it would be good but then that flying pig I saw down the road told me im deluded if I think anything will!!

Maybe you could put a saddle on it and use it as transport?

Surely feeding it scraps would be cheaper than petrol for your car, and would get you past any traffic jams!

RSPCA would have something to say no doubt

Registered: 14th Jul 04
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22nd May 08 at 15:14   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i was a bit vague with my first post, should of explained it better the point i was trying to make is that fuel is predicted to keep rising

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22nd May 08 at 15:16   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Kevxx
The cost of oil has not increased, and we often sell our own produced oil which would keep us going for years!

Our government make around 80p of every litre you buy, then fuel company make around 15p, the rest is what pays wages etc!

Your being lied to if you think fuel should be anything near the price it is.

Nothing will happen, the price of fuel will drop, road tax will go up! Forever we're fucked here like!

Your wrong the cost of crude has went up, quite a bit ($90-$135 /Barrel in 14/15 months) I dont mind that its the increased fuel duty & Tax that gets slapped ontop that angers me!!

Registered: 14th May 08
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22nd May 08 at 15:16   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

It's pretty much meant to keep rising to around £1.50 ish for petrol!

Don't be surprised when the price of Diesel shoots up hugely too, to a point where driving a diesel OR a petrol would cost about the same.

Registered: 20th Jan 07
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22nd May 08 at 15:16   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

None of this will work.

If we're not buying fuel , others will wether its transport, haulage, planes, buildings....Its gonna be needed, So wether we buy it or not someone else will.

Untill they want to bring it down , It wont. They wont bring it down cos they have to, Because they dont.

Registered: 14th Jul 04
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22nd May 08 at 15:18   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Blame Mr V Putin

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22nd May 08 at 15:25   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Fuel costs will forever be on the up, sure you might get a 2p budget increase sliced off if theres enough pressure but in the bigger picture that means fuck all!!

Im £240 a month in fuel alone now, then whatever Jades car uses its chunky money!!

My solution (Just me personally & in no way mirrors anyone else!) is going to be to stop driving to work (My job will soon allow this), cut back to one car between me & the mrs (eventually) & live close enough to shops & everything I needs on the doorstep. Keep one nice car thats going to be on minimal mile use not drive everywhere like we do now. I believe this is the future & the soon cars will be a luxuary to run like they were in the 60's/70's - not everyone had them then because they were expensive to run. I see full reversal of that time in a short time.

Registered: 20th Jan 07
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22nd May 08 at 15:31   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Thw rold will be better place when cars become a luxury anyway.

Less polution, less people dying , less noise,and not as many cars on the road.

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22nd May 08 at 15:35   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Timbaland
Thw rold will be better place when cars become a luxury anyway.

Less polution, less people dying , less noise,and not as many cars on the road.

Definitely, Id be the 1st to admit we use cars too much, carbon fuel based cars are going to be gradually phased out 1st by making running of them too much for the average person, theres going to be a change to this mark my word!

Registered: 26th Nov 07
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22nd May 08 at 15:36   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

To be honest I think the fuel preice is rediculous, theyre taxing the fuck out of the motorist to pay for all the money that gets wasted elsewhere and the motorist is an easy targetbecause you must have money to be running a car and if you have a car you need fuel for it.

Sadly though I can only see the fuel price going up from here on until electric cars become a realistic option, then the government will find another way to tax the hell out of the motorist

Registered: 29th Mar 01
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22nd May 08 at 15:36   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

That would only happen if the Govt. introduce a sustainable transport policy, ie. increase the benefits of using other forms of transport.

Currently though its just as expensive to use public transport for a lot of people, and its certainly never the best experience. So people will continue to run their cars as they have no other choice.

Registered: 14th Jul 04
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22nd May 08 at 15:37   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

u know the saudi's or the russians have perfected hydrogen fuel cells, they just dont want to release the info yet as it would mean that thier black gold will be worthless

Registered: 20th Jan 07
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22nd May 08 at 15:39   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Cosmo
That would only happen if the Govt. introduce a sustainable transport policy, ie. increase the benefits of using other forms of transport.

Currently though its just as expensive to use public transport for a lot of people, and its certainly never the best experience. So people will continue to run their cars as they have no other choice.

Very true, Infact..Its cheaper for me to fill the car for a week than it is to buy a bus pass to get to work so i guess that side of things will always sway people along with convieniency, comfort, privacy and so on.

But like Colin says, I reckon it will soon become a privelage or only people who really really need a car.

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22nd May 08 at 15:40   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by loo_goblin
u know the saudi's or the russians have perfected hydrogen fuel cells, they just dont want to release the info yet as it would mean that thier black gold will be worthless

Hydrogen fuel cells been perfected to run a vehicle for about 10 years, its just too damn expensive & theres no recharging facilities & no one will invest in it as a sole fuel source.

Registered: 29th Mar 01
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22nd May 08 at 15:41   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Colin
Originally posted by loo_goblin
u know the saudi's or the russians have perfected hydrogen fuel cells, they just dont want to release the info yet as it would mean that thier black gold will be worthless

Hydrogen fuel cells been perfected to run a vehicle for about 10 years, its just too damn expensive & theres no recharging facilities & no one will invest in it as a sole fuel source.

+ the oil companies will make sure they dont come in for years yet!!

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