Corsa Sport » Message Board » Classifieds » Cars Offered » My v. rare LHD 205 Rallye

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Author My v. rare LHD 205 Rallye

Registered: 1st Mar 06
Location: leigh nr wigan
User status: Offline
29th Jun 08 at 17:26   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Time has come to sell my 205 rallye,was imported in 2005 and was used as a hillclimb car in Scotland. I bought it last Septemeber and was registered beginning of October last year,

Tax -end of september

MOT - end of august

Engine - 1.3 european spec engine - twin 40 dhla carbs - 4-2-1 manifold and straight thru strainless grp n system (only small back box) - Sparco upper strut brace

Exterior - Standard body work wih smoothed locks - wiper and washer jet on boot smoothed (all done before i bought the car,had a full respray at some time,france or england i dont know but its v good,no orange peel etc)- phase 2 lights all round - front and rear bonnet pins - raised bonnet - de mirrored passenger side with carbon baseplate - Orgional 13" michelin steel wheels,just been re-sprayed for FCS - Stud + nut conversion with 10mm spacers all round

Unknown height drop on the back but its v low - front dropped around 50mm on unknown springs,handles very well with no lift off oversteer encountered yet(im as shocked as you )

Interior - Stripped out bar headlinging and dash - Sparco Juniot buckets(a few years old but do they job and were fia seats so suprisingly comfy) - SaBelt FIA (2012) 3" 4 point harness's - Front and rear real carbon door cards - OMP steering wheel - no radio speakers etc

anything ive forgotten il add,obviously no service history from france but I have servied it will new oil,spark plugs etc,new battery,alternator,new rear brake shoes and cylinders - 2 owners me then my dad,have V5 and old mots from england

Just need to wipe the floors down and its fine

Looking for £2200ono but really after px/swap for a 106 quicky or why have you

[Edited on 05-07-2008 by 205tom]

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Corsa Sport » Message Board » Classifieds » Cars Offered » My v. rare LHD 205 Rallye 25 database queries in 0.0099580 seconds