Corsa Sport » Message Board » Classifieds » Cars Offered » corsa ls/gsi

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Author corsa ls/gsi

Registered: 1st Jun 08
Location: Bradford (West Yorkshire)
User status: Offline
   15th Aug 08 at 18:28   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

looking to sell or swap my ls corsa in wide red with a 1.6 gsi engine in there the engine has been fully rebuilt and is going in for a service tomorrow, new oil filter and oil change etc.... and will be tested and taxed for 6 months, on the 30th of this month.

heres the mod list:


Gsi front brakes
rear drums cleaned and ajusted
full stainless centre section
new exhaust manifold
peco 4" exhaust
decat pipe
lowered 60 mil all round on g-max springs and shocks
BMC dia induction kit on a hks silicone hose
lightened fly wheel
painted inlet manifold (RED)
painted rocker cover (Black)
new clutch
bosch super 4 plugs
new timing belt and fan belt
the engine has been fully rebuilt and runs perfectly
quick shift gear linkage just fit


full sri door cards and plastics
Rear seats striped out
false floor in the rear covered in black carpet
green led's hidden in the boot cant see them until there on
front rage bucket seats that match the car colour
the dash has been colour coded to match the car
vectra interior light
rickbrook leather gear gaiter
chrome gear sorround
titanium gear knob
blue lights in the dial's


front and rear post 97 sport bumpers in black
induction hose in the front bumper leading to the BMC
DTM mirros colour coded
black angel eyes cost me £200
rear tinted lights in black
black side repeaters
de badged and de wipered
black sun strip


cav gsi rims powder coated black with astra centre caps
chrome vauxhall badges
front low profile tires
rear normals
may have toyo proxes when sold


uprated door speakers and tweeters in the door cards
6x9's fitted in the false floor in the back

Fusion Powerplant setup
1000 watt amp
1200 watt sub
the amp is fixed on a 45 degree wooden frame behind the passenger seat, see pics will be on soon.

the paintwork is what you would expect of a 1993, its realy good for the age, there is the vauxhall corsa RUST on the driver door no other rust patches at all.

Email me:
Phone: 01274884047

Engine painted

interior 1

interior 2

side view

angel eyes

[Edited on 15-08-2008 by elliott023]

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