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Author Pain Day: Really bad pain in my back :(

Registered: 15th May 07
Location: Melksham, Wiltshire
User status: Offline
27th Aug 08 at 12:03   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Hi all ,

So I went to the gym this morning did half my workout and then I couldn't do any more

This is my normal routine:
- Warmup: Row 1000-1500m
- Weights: Chest, Arms
- CV: Bike for 20mins + Jog for 10mins
- Weights: Legs, back and more chest
- Stretches, situps dorsal raise

Anyway did my CV went backup stairs and tried to lift some dumbbells (only 12kg nothing heavy) and found I could barely lift them and my back was in absolute agony (in between my shoulder blades)

Went and spoke to a personal trainer and he said "rest, take some pain killers and have a hot bath"

I have done the following but the pain is still there

I thought at first I may have either pulled a muscle or I may have a trapped nerve!

Does anyone have any cures or recommendations for this?


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