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Author Pulled by the L.A.P.D - reg plate issues help

Registered: 13th Feb 05
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25th Sep 08 at 21:07   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by CorsaSport14
Ignore him mate, unfortunatly you get idiot's like that.

I got pulled over in my old honda civic, 3 police men + 2 cars stopped me, they tried doing me for lowered suspension, aftermarket exhaust, tinted windows (light all the way round) and my front numberplate being in the window.

Then i told him i work at a main dealer and my mentor at the time done MOT's and non of it was illegal (except for the plate in the window) knobs!

number plate - £30 fine
tints - £30 fine
exhaust - if no BS mark or louder than standard i can require a Vehicle Defect Rectification Scheme ticket to be completed by mot station

with an attitude like this too, you are likely to collect tickets rather than words of advice too!

Registered: 24th Mar 07
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25th Sep 08 at 22:40   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by gtitim
Not being an officer, you can assume alot and know little.

It can take time to run checks - not necessarily all the info on the same system ie may need driving licence or vehicle or insurance checks.

Sometimes the network is busy, and if something urgent is going on the airwave is kept clear unless urgent

maybe there was something about your standard of driving the officer was not quite happy with and felt it was necessary to follow to check. i have followed drivers for some distance before stopping, as i have witnessed several examples of poor driving. other times i go for the quick stop.

if you give me attitude, ie 'slam on and shouted' etc then straight away i want to know what you are so paranoid about. if you have done nothing wrong why be an arse?

i have generally got better things to do than stop cars for no reason. if i stop you for a check it will be for a reason, and if you want to get lippy i am perfectly within my right to inspect lights, tyres, etc.

sidelights are mandatory. if they do not conform to regulations ie not working or blue not white etc, then you can be reported or ticketed for it. generally i will give words of advice however if you are an arse, and argue with it then i have no problem with reporting or giving a ticket as i know you have not listened to me and will not change them, or if you do you will soon change them back.

bottom line for me is this - i have better things to do, but if i do stop you and you are aggressive, rude or obstructive, then i will deal with you accordingly. if you are polite, then you will be on your way alot sooner.

just food for thought?

Do you follow dangerously close too then?! I were going about 15 in a 30 due to serval speed bumps thats i cant get over!

I saw the several times in the night and even followed them at one point to get to where i wanted to be. They were just aimlessly drivng around.

What really pissed me off was the fact that i saw them in the local chinesse after

I wouldnt have been botherd if he had just followed me and a couple of car lengths - ie close enough to read my reg, not that close so i cant see his. Stupidity. Thats why i speeded up and then slammed on and got out.

Found out he specialises in modified cars in the area (yet he is a normal pc driving a astra diesel) mmmmkkk......

Besides the point piggy. You werent there so you cant really comment! Think what you want. Your just thinking cocky young 'boy racer' causing trouble again in his car yet the matter of fact is i have a clean driving record and a clean conviction record. Been pull twice ever in 40k miles of motoring where one was my fault due to being in a bus lane which i hold my hands up to. I wasnt cocky as the copper pulled me over sensibly not following like a cunt, and he was polite back so we were alright.

A policeman doesnt follow you that close for a polite word. FACT

Some right argumentitive folk on this forum, how like to go off topic all the time.

Anyway back to the plate thing - there seems to be alot of confussion, like i loop hole sort of thing as some people saying yes legal pass mot and some peole saying its not standard font etc

The irnoic thing is, when i got done for the bus lane, i got told off about my uber small reg plate. He said get it changed and mot cert thingy done. So off i went and had to new plates cut (this were last year and these are the ones i put on to make them legal) took it to local MOT place which is a vauxhall dealer and they signed it off. The place where i had the car MOTed didnt say anything either (a diff place). So people must think they are ok.

Registered: 24th Mar 07
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25th Sep 08 at 22:44   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

And cant any of you lot take a joke on the l.a.p.d thing?

Registered: 14th Mar 04
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25th Sep 08 at 22:53   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

end of the day, you broke the law, the got caught, deal with it or move to Bridgend

Registered: 10th Jan 08
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26th Sep 08 at 00:08   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i agree that they should check cars, although i had it once where a police car followed me practically sitting on my bumper, but i just drove normal "i was slightly nervous " but when i pulled onto my estate he drove away... i dont think its needed for them to intimidate you like this its rediculous. The police are not correct all the time and try to assert authority over you, when acctully they are a service that we all pay for, so they should be helping us... but most people dislike and feel threatend by them because of their demeaning attitude

[Edited on 26-09-2008 by mart08uk]

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26th Sep 08 at 00:17   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by richc
Besides the point piggy

Was that aimed at the fella above you? If so, you sound like a cock to be fair. If you got out the car and started shouting the odds, I'm not suprised they had a proper check of your car. You have no way of knowing they would of pulled you anyway, but since you felt the need to confront a Police Officer over something trivial, you got in trouble.

Registered: 13th Feb 05
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26th Sep 08 at 08:42   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by richc

Do you follow dangerously close too then?! I were going about 15 in a 30 due to serval speed bumps thats i cant get over!

Well if your car isnt capable of doing road speeds is it in a roadworthy condition? the fact that you have chosen to modify your car in such a way as it is no longer practical is your choice and problem, not other road users.

I saw the several times in the night and even followed them at one point to get to where i wanted to be. They were just aimlessly drivng around.

This is called routine patrol where we actually get time to go and look around not just responding to incidents. call it pro-active policing - looking for the scrote before he steals your car rather than chasing him.

What really pissed me off was the fact that i saw them in the local chinesse after

And are we not allowed to eat? in the last week of shifts i have not had a meal break yet am entitled to 36minutes paid meal break per shift. Sometimes i might fancy a chinese or a mcdonalds or a kebab or donuts etc etc.

I wouldnt have been botherd if he had just followed me and a couple of car lengths - ie close enough to read my reg, not that close so i cant see his. Stupidity. Thats why i speeded up and then slammed on and got out.

Maybe he wondered what you were up to in the car. Sometimes it is necessary to drive that bit closer, thats why we do advanced driving courses. If you sped up and then slammed on, i would have considered sticking you on for driving without due care and consideration. let the courts hear your lousy excuses for it.

Found out he specialises in modified cars in the area (yet he is a normal pc driving a astra diesel) mmmmkkk......

We dont get a choice what we drive. I too 'specialise' in modifed cars to a degree in that i have been modifying cars for 10yrs, know what is and isnt illegal as i have been stopped for things prior to joining, and know certain things to look out for, yet i am out in either a focus or an octavia. so what? still quicker and a comfier ride than your corsa when i need it to be, especially with flashing lights and sirens!

Besides the point piggy. You werent there so you cant really comment! Think what you want. Your just thinking cocky young 'boy racer' causing trouble again in his car yet the matter of fact is i have a clean driving record and a clean conviction record. Been pull twice ever in 40k miles of motoring where one was my fault due to being in a bus lane which i hold my hands up to. I wasnt cocky as the copper pulled me over sensibly not following like a cunt, and he was polite back so we were alright.

I have been that 'cocky young buy racer', had cars featured in revs mag years ago, been on major stands at all the shows etc etc, so i know what its like. You instantly think you are stopped because you are driving a modded car, but what you dont see is how many non-modded cars i stop, and how many commit offences.

A policeman doesnt follow you that close for a polite word. FACT

A policeman follows you because he wants to, whether he decides to stop you or otherwise. FACT

Some right argumentitive folk on this forum, how like to go off topic all the time.

Anyway back to the plate thing - there seems to be alot of confussion, like i loop hole sort of thing as some people saying yes legal pass mot and some peole saying its not standard font etc

The irnoic thing is, when i got done for the bus lane, i got told off about my uber small reg plate. He said get it changed and mot cert thingy done. So off i went and had to new plates cut (this were last year and these are the ones i put on to make them legal) took it to local MOT place which is a vauxhall dealer and they signed it off. The place where i had the car MOTed didnt say anything either (a diff place). So people must think they are ok.

MOT and law are two different things. I wouldn't bother about the letter style personally ie 3d, carbon etc, but pressed plates, fancy writing, mis-spacing small plates etc, then i will stop you. i may deal with it by words of advice, by the vehicle defect rectification scheme( get it changed and stamped at garage within 14 days) or i may fine you, depends how i am treated and to be frank, its up to me if i want to use my discretion or not. If there was no discretion you could have had a ticket.

With an attitude like yours, i am surprised you have a clean licence.

[Edited on 26-09-2008 by gtitim]
Matt L

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26th Sep 08 at 09:34   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

sorry to thread hijack but

gtijim: you said you would stop someone with pressed plates, i was sold mine as road legal, does that mean mine are infact illegal or is it certain types are illegal/legal.

Registered: 29th Dec 00
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26th Sep 08 at 09:46   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

 In BriefAll registration marks including marks purchased through DVLA's sales scheme must bedisplayed in accordance with The Road Vehicles (Display of Registration Marks) Regulations 2001(obtainable from Her Majesty's Stationery Office).Rules for the display of number plates are set out in law, briefly these are: -
l A number plate must be displayed at the front and rear of motor vehicles (with someexceptions).
l Number Plates must be easy to read and meet the British Standard.
l Lettering should be black on a white plate at the front and a yellow at the rear.
l The background surface should be reflex-reflecting but the characters must not.
l There are separate requirements for traditional number plates displayed on vehiclesconstructed before 1 January 1973.
l Lettering and spacing must be of a set size. They must conform to one of the groups shownat:- Number plates fitted after 1 September 2001 or Number plates fitted before 1September 2001.

Pressed plates aren't reflective?
Matt L

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26th Sep 08 at 09:48   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

mine are though

Registered: 13th Feb 05
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26th Sep 08 at 09:52   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

as far as i am aware pressed plates are not legal, as the font is generally not the correct one i.e. german style if that makes sense, and they do not have the reflective plastic over the front. If you do not have to produce v5 and proof of ID i.e. you buy them online, then they are technically show plates and not for road use as by law you are required to provide certain ID when purchasing road-legal number plates.

I will stop people with pressed plates, generally tell them to get them changed. or can VDRS or ticket or take to court.

To give you an idea a bloke drives round with a new bentley continental gt with black/silver plates. stopped and ticketed several times. he just pays the fine an carries on. if i put him in court, he will get his name in the paper and the court can, i believe, contact the DVLA with regard to withdrawing his cherished plate due to misuse. ( but not 100% on this as never done it...yet)
Tom J
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26th Sep 08 at 09:55   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Matt L
mine are though


Registered: 29th Dec 00
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26th Sep 08 at 10:05   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by gtitim
To give you an idea a bloke drives round with a new bentley continental gt with black/silver plates. stopped and ticketed several times. he just pays the fine an carries on. if i put him in court, he will get his name in the paper and the court can, i believe, contact the DVLA with regard to withdrawing his cherished plate due to misuse. ( but not 100% on this as never done it...yet)

DVLA say this when you buy a cherished reg. I've also been stopped for a very small front plate, but a non-generic one. The cop said if I get caught 3 times for the same offense (i.e. the small plate) the numberplate will be removed from my vehicle and it'll go on a q-plate? lol
Matt L

Registered: 17th Apr 06
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26th Sep 08 at 10:27   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by gtitim
as far as i am aware pressed plates are not legal, as the font is generally not the correct one i.e. german style if that makes sense, and they do not have the reflective plastic over the front. If you do not have to produce v5 and proof of ID i.e. you buy them online, then they are technically show plates and not for road use as by law you are required to provide certain ID when purchasing road-legal number plates.

I will stop people with pressed plates, generally tell them to get them changed. or can VDRS or ticket or take to court.

To give you an idea a bloke drives round with a new bentley continental gt with black/silver plates. stopped and ticketed several times. he just pays the fine an carries on. if i put him in court, he will get his name in the paper and the court can, i believe, contact the DVLA with regard to withdrawing his cherished plate due to misuse. ( but not 100% on this as never done it...yet)

had to show v5 + id when i bought them, they are genuinley sold as road legal.

and ill try get pics later.

Registered: 23rd Oct 02
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26th Sep 08 at 10:29   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Is this thread really still going?

Matt L

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26th Sep 08 at 10:33   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Alex.S
Is this thread really still going?

just for me to find out if mine are legal or not .

Registered: 24th Mar 07
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26th Sep 08 at 17:38   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Alex.S
Is this thread really still going?

@at ian and you just close the thread!

Half of it is full of shit

Registered: 24th Mar 07
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26th Sep 08 at 17:41   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Ren
Originally posted by richc
Besides the point piggy

Was that aimed at the fella above you? If so, you sound like a cock to be fair. If you got out the car and started shouting the odds, I'm not suprised they had a proper check of your car. You have no way of knowing they would of pulled you anyway, but since you felt the need to confront a Police Officer over something trivial, you got in trouble.

People cant actually take abit of banter - You have a laugh and your a cock


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26th Sep 08 at 17:45   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by mart08uk
i agree that they should check cars, although i had it once where a police car followed me practically sitting on my bumper, but i just drove normal "i was slightly nervous " but when i pulled onto my estate he drove away... i dont think its needed for them to intimidate you like this its rediculous. The police are not correct all the time and try to assert authority over you, when acctully they are a service that we all pay for, so they should be helping us... but most people dislike and feel threatend by them because of their demeaning attitude

[Edited on 26-09-2008 by mart08uk]

hence the reaction

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