Corsa Sport » Message Board » Classifieds » Cars Offered » Motorbike for corsa?

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Author Motorbike for corsa?

Registered: 21st Sep 08
Location: elgin - Scotland
User status: Offline
   8th Oct 08 at 19:47   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

hello everyone

sachs xtc 125 supersport for sale

03 Plate

Only covered 4200 miles

mot'd for a year
tax for a year
cat c rite off
however 3/4 restored
was written off because i fell off when going round a corner in the wet .
repaired the mirror and gear lever ab=nd indicators .

just could do with a touch up spray but the fairings are not bad just on the left side and very little evidence that it was in an acident.

excellent bike to learn on or have for a first bike. really fast and it looks and sounds like a big bike. it also has the frame of a duccati ( terellis frame )

engine is bulletproof !!

i have previous mot's for it

the only thing needed to have this bike back on road is to have it inspected by an engineer.

could be a good project for someone who has a 500cc engine or for someone just wonting to rasp about feilds ect
would swap for a corsa or anything considered.

open to offers or px or anything.

would prefer corsa b so i could do the c20let conversion

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Corsa Sport » Message Board » Classifieds » Cars Offered » Motorbike for corsa? 25 database queries in 0.0084879 seconds