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Author corsa c SXI 2001 - modified - bargain!

Registered: 26th Aug 08
User status: Offline
25th Oct 08 at 13:11   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Hi, here I have for sale is 2001 corsa SXI. It's been subtly modified and in m u opinion, not over the top.

A lot of time and money has been invested in it over the time I've owned it. It has had 3 previous owners, the third being my dad and the forth being me. I've had it for 5 1/2 years now and ready for a change.
Here's a brief run down of what it's got and what's been spent:

TOAD Ai606 cat 1 alarm with extra features (exterior proximity sensor and anti tilt) (£375)

17' Lenso CF alloys with plenty of tread left. (£650)

Lowered on 40- Eibach springs (£90)

Irmscher front splitter

Reiger GTC lower front splitter (£90)

Reiger GTC rear bumper (£180)

Reiger M3 style sideskirts with BMW Z3 vents blended in (£200 + vents

Astra GTE bonnet vents (£30)

Twin headlights (£380)

All grey plastic bumper trims and side skirts painted in Fiat metalic black

Boot lock removed and solenoid fitted to pop lock (£50 + £60 + painting

Irmscher rear spoiler

Different rear lights (£60)

Irmscher exhaust with centre silencer removed

Tinted windows all round (£200)

Genuine E46 M3 wing mirrors. These are £600+ worth of mirrors and I've yet to see another car with them - except M3's

Leather door cards front and rear (£600)

Leathered wing mirror backs with tweeters (£75)

Sony MEX-1HD head unit (hard drive) (was £1100 when new)

7' screen in custom dash pod (£250 + pod)

All leads and wires in place to run PS2

2 sets of Audiobahn components in front and rear cards (£70 each)

Rockford Fosgate 4 channel amp.

All DIRECTED AUDIO cabling. New speaker wire run to front doors.

Over £300 worth of dynamat fitted.

Custom switch pod housing switches that turn on front and rear foot well neons, amp and screen.

Please note the plate is not included in the sale.

In the time I've had it, I've put £12k + into this car.

I have a brand new v grill and badge to go on the front bumper.

Bad points
As its a 7 year old car, there's a few scratches here and there but overall, it's pretty good. The front alloys could do with a refurb due to corrosion as I've had them about 3-4 years now. They are however un-kerbed.
The head unit has recently started to occasionally not recognize CD's. Think it just needs a new laser which any car audio shop could replace.
Taxed till end of October and MOT'd till August 09.

A bit long winded but there it is. Happy to answer any questions and have more details on request.

I've put a price down of £2500 ONO.

Thanks for looking!

[Edited on 25-10-2008 by dodgeone]

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